Present; Marian Norris, Eileen Connell, Malcolm Bartley, Neil Robinson. Val Kennedy, David Marshall, Bill Tierney.
Others; P.C. Donald McKay, Councillor Gordon Blair, Sue Morris (FCS), Agnes Harvey.
Public; Dee Robinson, David Edwards, Sandra Tweddle, David McDowall.
Apologies; Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, Councillor Alan Reid, David McKenzie (NP)
Marian Norris welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Sue Morris who has taken over the vacancy of Recreation Manager and Agnes Harvey a member of the Village Hall Management Group.
Marian asked if there were any Declarations of Interest. None
Items for AOCB None
Police Report
Marian welcomed Donald back from his recent illness.
- Donald reported that, since the last meeting there have been 4 incidents with 1 resulting in a crime report. It was the attempted theft of a 12ft field gate from a house in the village. There appears to be a lot of thefts of this type throughout Cowal with Donald stressing that farmers should be aware of this.
- Rural Watch was officially re-launched at the Royal Highland Show. New leaflets etc. are ready for distribution throughout the area. These are also available electronically and it is intended that there will be a mailing list for farmers, outdoor activity centres, land owners etc. to encourage folk to sign up for Rural Watch. The 3 alert managers for this area will be putting out information on all relevant rural crime, not only in this area but across Scotland. This will give a picture of the current trends in crime throughout Scotland.
National alerts will continue to go out as well as specific information to those who have signed up. Two way messaging will also continue to ensure that the communication is relevant and up to date.
- Operation Ironworks patrols has started up again. It is intended that there will be at least one patrol at weekends. Eileen asked if there was a reason why there were fewer alerts coming through recently. Donald felt that this may be due to the transition from Neighbourhood Watch to Rural Watch and should sort itself out soon.
- There is now a new Divisional Commander, Hazel Hendron. There will also a new Inspector at Dunoon with the position being held by a temporary Inspector at the moment with the intention that the position should be filled by September.
Minutes of last meeting.
Proposed Neil Seconded Val Kennedy
Matters Arising from minute
- Concern had been raised that the Link Club is in danger of closing permanently. TSI have now stepped back from their input and a new board is being formed to take the club forward to take it forward. It was acknowledged that this is an important service for people with mental health issues and that we would any support necessary to ensure that there is a service that meets their needs.
- Lochs & Glens
Eileen has stepped forward to help keep this invaluable contribution to the shore alive.
- The traffic mirror is now in place. Thank you to Neil and David for dealing with this.
Councillors Report
- Councillor Blair reported that concerns about wild camping in Tighnabruiach, Colintraive, Ardentinny and other areas has been raised. Gordon will get in touch with the roads department and is keen that other groups such as community councils and other partnership organisations work together to ascertain the best way to deal with these concerns
- The present rota to ascertain which A&B Council will remain at present but may require some more consideration in the near future.
- Roads. Gordon suggested that the officers dealing with road issues are invited to future meetings.
The question of whether Ardentinny road will be resurfaced any time in the future. Gordon will enquire and get back to us.
David commended the Council on the good job they did cutting the verges although it was acknowledged that, if there was to be a more thorough regular job done, there would to be additional contractors employed.
Treasurer’s Report.
Expenditure D. Menzies Account audit £10.00
V. Kennedy Travel expenses £40.00
ACT membership £30.00
Income Nil
Bank balance 20th July 2017 £1724.92
Bank balance
Malcolm reported that he had enquired about an alternative bank account. However there appears not to be one with an interest rate which would benefit the CC.
Malcolm provided the Scotways booklet for information.
All relevant correspondence has been sent to all CC members.
- The email relating to Cardiac Arrest Training. The outdoor centre have been approached and are willing to work with the village on providing further training and information on CPR and defibrillator information. Kilmun CC may also be part of this.
- The Tree Charter. Some CC members responded to this and as a result m application has been made to the Tree Charter Group on behalf of the CC.
Forestry Commission Report.
Sue Morris, who has been appointed as Community and Visitor Services Manager, and will take up the position on 29th August.
Sue was asked if she had any further information when there will be a measurement of what is hoped to be the tallest tree in Scotland which is sited in Ardentinny. Sue will hopefully be able to get some information for us.
Actual Reality Report None
National Park Report
David sent a short report. “The only update I can give you at this point is that that the consultation on the NP Partnership Plan closed on 3rd July and I will be attending a meeting on 16 August where I will get a first view of the responses. I will ensure you are briefed on this”.
Liaison with shore villages
Ardentinny CC and Kilmun CC are meeting with all 18 groups
along the shore at the end of August. This is to look at ways that the groups can work together for the benefit of the whole shore rather than individual groups working in isolation.
Bill noted that he would be happy to go to represent the CC.
Geoff is no longer willing to do the maintenance of the defib.
Marian and Eileen approached Actual Reality group who are willing to take on this task.
Bill suggested that the code should be displayed on the cabinet of the defibrillator. It had been previously been decided not to have it displayed in case of vandalism. The code has been given to all residents as well as on the information board and leaflets. It has also been registered with the ambulance service. After discussion it was agreed that the code would be displayed.
The battery pack and the pads require to be replaced now. A suggestion was made that the Renewables Trust may pay this in the future. In the interim it was agreed that the CC would pay for them. It was agreed that we would not buy the children’s pads at this time.
Television Reception
Malcolm raised concerns regarding the reception received on BBC digital channels. It was agreed that Marian will write to the BBC to convey the concerns.
Ardentinny Hall Management
Agnes informed that she, Guy Elder and Merle Ferguson have stepped up to take the hall forward. She had met with the outgoing management group and commended them on an excellent, robust handover and should be congratulated for having maintained the hall in such a professional manner. Marian and Neil agreed to sign over the bank details. The hall is reopened with the groups back in action. There will be a meeting of the new management group soon when items like bookings, maintenance etc will be discussed.
Dee asked if there would be information sent out to members. This will be discussed at the upcoming meeting Agnes was asked if there would continue to be a hall membership. This too will be discussed at their next meeting and the aims of the hall will be considered with OSCR rules being upheld.
Delegates Reports
- A meeting was held in July. A vice chair was voted on (Archie Reid). Dates have been agreed so that the CAUCUS can feed into the LPG meetings.
- One of the discussions was about the Think Dunoon campaign. It was stressed that the outlying areas also need to be considered in the campaign as they can be affected by what is happening in Dunoon.
- Link Club. The chair is writing about the situation with the Link Club.
- Manse Gardens. Concern was raised about the situation of removing the warden facility in Strachur and Bute.
- Argyll &Bute Locality Plan. Although this mainly affects Dunoon and Rothesay, it was acknowledged that rural areas would also have an impact on any decisions made.
- It was agreed that a letter would be written to the Acting Head of Education to express the concerns of secondment of Dunoon Grammar School and the situation that there are so many Acting positions in schools in the area.
Website No change
- Gents toilets have needed 3 repairs in 6 weeks. Fiona Ferguson is part of the team who are cleaning the toilets as part of her Discovery award,
- Problems with flytipping in and around the bin in the church car park. The amenities manager at A&B council has been supportive of our concerns. It was suggested to him that an additional uplift could be done when the uplift at Stronvochlan is done. He will consider this. It appears that it is holiday houses that are the main perpetrators.
- There is a new initiative to combat the increase in dog fouling in the area. A meeting has been arranged to discuss this with the A&B team.
- The chair has stepped back for a period time due to personal issues. The forum will continue in his absence.
Planning None
Community Action Plan.
- It is intended that a meeting is held before the end of the year to monitor the progress made over the past months.
Coulport No issues
Ardentinny Renewables Trust.
- Neil is now the point of contact for Co-hydrover scheme in case of emergency e.g. struck by lightning etc.
- Ross’s scheme is not up and running yet but should be soon. He will let the Renewables Trust know when they can go and visit and photograph his scheme. As yet there is no word of percentages the village will receive.
Ardentinny Community Trust
Cowal Elderly Befrienders brought 19 clients to the garden, on the 1st of June to celebrate Dementia Awareness Week by planting seeds and potting up lavender plants.
The Beechgrove and Bar event, in the Younger Memorial Hall, in Kilmun raised over £170 for the garden and raised £200 for the Bowling Club.
The Robertson Trust Grant ran out in June therefore we could not renew Simon Richardson, the Gardener/Volunteer Coordinator’s contract.
Corrie MacDonald a 5th year pupil, who came every Monday on work experience from the Learning Centre at Dunoon Grammar is on holiday.
Joe Robinson who completed his NC placement in the garden passed with flying colours and is going on to do an HNC next session.
The garden is looking fantastic this Summer. The plants have spread and with plant donations from locals there is hardly a space for the weeds.
After a poor start to the Summer the vegetables are coming on and the shed is full of drying Elephants’ Garlic and onions, phew!
The garden is now supplying The Ardentinny Restaurant with herbs and vegetables.
We have a decorative new plants’ stall put together from bits and pieces from the garden and we are offering teas and coffees to visitors on sunny weekends. We are having a stall at Uig Hall on Saturday 29th July at the Riverside Surgery fundraiser.
The annual Big Picnic is on Sunday 30th July with live music from the ‘Elderly Brothers’. We have a display in the Book Shop window in Dunoon which advertises the garden and the picnic.
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group.
The group put in an application to It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign. After assessment we were awarded a Level 5 Outstanding.
We have almost finished the steps from the road into Coronation Wood. Aidan has offered to give us chicken wire to be put onto the front of the steps to make them safer.
Date of next meeting October 3rd.
Marian thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.