Community Council Noticeboard
March 2024
Notice of interim Community council elections.
If anyone is interested in joining the community council applications have to be submitted by 4pm on thursday 21st March for the elections on 21st March 2024.
For further information please contact our conviener or Argyll and Bute Council. Further information about applying in these links.
CC Notice board update -December 2023
The National Park
The National Park are links to the newly published Final National Park Partnership Plan for 2024-2029 that they are recommending to the governemnt. This Plan will set the strategic direction for the work of the National Park Authority and the many other named partners within the Plan from 2024-2029. Could be interest to some of the residents.
Today, we have published what we are recommending as the Final National Park Partnership Plan for 2024-2029. This Plan will set the strategic direction for the work the National Park Authority and the many other named partners within the Plan from 2024-2029.
The Plan sets an ambitious vision for what Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park will be like by 2045:
By 2045… the National Park is a thriving place that is nature positive and carbon negative .
The Plan expands on what we mean by these terms:
Here is the link
Help imagine the future of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park
CC Noticeboard update -June 2023
The current noticeboard has now been fitted with magnetic boards and hopefully it will survive the weather.
The weekly news letter from Ardentinny community council and the village hall are now posted each week on the board.
Minutes of the last meeting will also be posted on the board.
From Kilmun Community Council
11th August 2023
Kilmun Community Council have agreed to facilitate the distribution of a survey that a group of residents in Strone are undertaking to evaluate whether a path in the area is historically a possible 'right of way'. Loch Lomond and Trossachs Nation Park and Safeways will be analysing the survey.
From Argyll & Bute Council
1st July 2023 voting registration information
Kilmun Community Council
June 2023- The latest news from Kilmun Community Council documents below.
Important information
Keeping children and amimals safe dispose of batteries safely
Flood Map information
This can be found on the SEPA website
SHARED from BUTE Community Council -9th May 2023
Subject: Bute Community council - online energy workshop for A&BC residents
?Good evening,
BCC held a community engagement meeting on 27 March and one of the issues identified was energy poverty. BCC contacted A&B Citizens Advice Bureau regarding offering an online workshop for Bute residents. A&BC CAB has recently received another tranche of funding to help support A&B residents who are having difficulties with energy costs. We have a link on our website that will allow residents to join the meeting on 19 May at 1400.
We want to share the opportunity with other community councils in A&B, especially as we held an initial meeting of all A&B community councils on 17 April that identified a need to build more cooperation and communication amongst community councils. If you have a website for your local community council, please share the information and link with residents in your area.
Theresa Nelson
Secretary, Bute Community Council
Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Energy Advice
In response to Fuel Poverty being identified as an issue on Bute, BCC has arranged an online information sessions for any Bute resident interested in: help available for fuel bills, from the govern…