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Ardentinny Community Council

Ardentinny Renewables Trust AGM

Minutes available as a PDF /file/ardentinny-renewables-trust/ART-AGM-minutes/ART-AGM-minutes-July-2024-EES-2146.pdf

Minutes 2023 PDF /file/ardentinny-renewables-trust/ART-AGM-minutes/art-agm-minutes-aug-2023-1.docx


AGM held on Tuesday 23rd July 204 at The Ardentinny Village Hall


Douglas Menzies, , Neil Robinson, Stuart Gray, Jo Carr,  John Brint, Bill Tierney, Helen West, Bill Williamson, David McDowell


Apologies: Anna Williamson





DM Welcomed everyone to the AGM and gave a brief outline of what would be covered in the meeting which included the following:

1   Minute of last AGM

2   Any matters arising from minute

3   Treasurers Report

4   Election/re-election of trustees

5   Secretary brief update on projects completed and   membership levels /details  

6   A.O.B.

7   Date of next AGM.


None required


DM read out the minutes of the last AGM which had been on display and asked for a proposer and seconder that the minutes as read be accepted.









Proposer: BT


Seconded: JC


SG handed out a copy of the accounts for FY23-24 which were

shown to have been audited then gave a detailed treasurer’s report, details of which can be seen in Appendix A to these minutes


No Further action required



DM informed everyone present that as per our constitution all the current members of the trust had to formally stand down


All current trustees stood down


All the members were asked if they were happy stand again for another year.


DM Volunteered to stay on for another year Proposed:  NR Seconded:  BT

BT Volunteered to stay on for another year Proposed:  JC   Seconded:  JB

NR Volunteered to stay on for another year   Proposed:  DM   Seconded:  BT

Jo Carr Volunteered to stay on for another year Proposed:  NR Seconded:  DM

Helen West Volunteered to stay on for another year   Proposed:  BT Seconded:  JB

John Brint Volunteered to stay on for another year   Proposed:  NR Seconded:  HW

Stuart Gray had decided to step down from both the role of treasurer and from the trust


DM alongside the rest of the group thanked Stuart for all his hard work during his post as treasurer and for the excellent newsletters he put out.

Stuart agreed to keep up the Tech support work for the hydro which generates some extra income into the fund and stay on as bank administrator until a replacement can formally take over

BT agreed to act as stand in treasurer until another volunteer came forward.

DM stated there is now a requirement to fill the remaining place on the trust and appoint another full time treasurer, it was agreed the most efficient way to do this would be via mail drop JC agreed to make a flyer which could include aspects from other groups within the community this could then be printed off and distributed to all the houses in the geographical boundary area.


NR gave a brief secretary’s report and informed the group of the following points:

The trust aims which are:

  1. To advance the protection of the environment through the promotion and sustainable production of energy from renewable sources, in particular, but not exclusively, investing in the development, operation or management of a hydroelectric scheme.
  2. To support rural regeneration in the Ardentinny Community Council geographical area through the management and distribution of funds accruing from the production of renewable energy for community benefit.

Currently we have a total of 52 members we do need to advertise the fact that to apply for funding people should be a member of the ART there has been a shake up in the village with a number of new families moving into the area and some moving out so we should ideally be looking at taking on more members


Membership is free all that is required is an email to: stating your name address email and contact number.

Full Membership is open to any individual aged 18 or over who is resident in the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the Ardentinny Community Council




  1. David McDowell asked if there had been any movement on the bus shelter project, he was advised that as of yet no one had sent in an application for the bus shelter project therefore no decision had been made by the group, if there is an appetite for this then someone should apply as normal. JB gave a brief overview of the work the CC had completed with local council on this project and other projects regarding roads and services within the area
  2. DM mentioned the fact the constitution had been given some slight amendments to correct poor grammar, some definitions and some numbering issues, the new constitution is on the CC website a copy can also be sent to anyone wishing a copy
  3. SG raised the question regarding the ring fenced funds, currently these are added to using Ross McArthur donations to the fund on a yearly basis. Given the fund is healthy at the moment it was decided to move 3k into the fund taking it to a maximum of 10k ring fenced this could be added to using the bank interest to offset inflation. All agreed to the point which was carried
  4. Bill Williamson raised a question on how the fully funded and part funded projects were detailed to the community, SG informed Bill that the newsletter contains details of all projects and does detail those that are fully funded and those that are partially funded, it was also noted that in the application form for funding the full project details are requested as well as a breakdown of any of funds the applicant will be using to fund the project, this helps the trustees make there final decision on funding, it was also noted that there is no real set criteria every project is looked at in its own merit, decisions are made after a vote by the trustees as laid out in the constitution, further details can be sought there for the full process
  5. David McDowell raised the question, Should the whole village be asked to vote on funded projects that do request a lot of funding he was informed that in the first instance a ceiling would behave to be set which is unrealistic, the second point was that the constitution was set up giving the voting powers for grants to the trustees so in this case it wasn’t a requirement to call a large scale meeting for larger projects to determine funding amounts



DM stated the next meeting of the trust would be, July 2025this would be a public, minutes will be made available for anyone unable to attend5


DM thanked everyone present for attending and formally closed the meeting


Appendix A

Treasurers report 23rd July 2024

Accounts for FY ‘23/’24  

Opening Balance £17087.79


Tech. Support

Generation Payments

Interest Payments (less bank fees)






Project Funding FY 23/4


  • Village Defib  Servicing


  • Walled Garden Sit-on  Mower


  • Village Hall Gazebos & BBQs


  • Nameplates


  • Picnic Tables   funded since ’23 AGM


  • Village Toilet Cleaning   funded since ’23 AGM


  • Village Hall Blinds   funded since ’23 AGM


  • Xmas Function   funded since ’23 AGM


  • Sound Equipment     funded since ’23 AGM


  • Bowling Green Repair funded since ’23 AGM


  • Walled Garden Tables   funded since ’23 AGM





Closing Balance £33,116.52


Finances since start FY ‘24/25

Opening Balance   £33,116.52


Tech. Support

Generation Payments

Interest Payments (less bank fees)






Project Funding FY 24/25 – to date


  • Payment to Village Hall Broadband Equipment


  • Payment to Ardentinny CC for Toilet Cleaning


  • Payment to Village Hall for Broadband Installation.  



Current Balance   £40,876.45


Committed Funds

 £ 13,300.00

  • Emergency Fund (£7,000 ring-fenced)

 £  7,000.00

  • Bowling Clubhouse Repair (£800 committed)

 £ 800.00

  • Hall Heating Upgrade (£5,500 committed)

 £  5,500.00


Current Available Funds for New Projects   £27,576.45

A black and white image of a dollar bill
					Description automatically generated


Funds Received since Formation of ART in 2017 up to 23 July ‘24



Hydrover (Finart)


JB Hydro (Cuil)


JB Hydro (Schoolhouse)


Ross MacArthur (Drynain)


Amazon Smile


Hydrover (Tech Support)


JB Hydro (Tech Support)










This is also available as a PDF



Welcome to our mid 2024 newsletter which gives an update on our activity in the last six months period. We have continued to fund various projects as shown below from our overall funds.

Our AGM has been arranged for 23rd July 2024 and we look forward to a good turnout as this gives everybody the chance to find out how and where the funds are accrued and spent.



Application Forms for funding can be requested by emailing:


Anyone living in the Ardentinny Community Council area is eligible to become a member of the Trust
(some restrictions may apply)

When applying, always request a form to be sure you have the latest version


Excluding bank interest, the table below shows our income since commencement from all external sources


Previous Payments

Payments in this Half Year


Hydrover (Finart)




JB Hydro (Cuil)




JB Hydro (Schoolhouse)




Ross MacArthur (Drynain)




Amazon Smile




Hydrover (Tech Support)




JB Hydro (Tech Support)












This year has seen a significant increase in our income from the generation of electricity at our local schemes. This has been due to both companies having a much more lucrative selling price to the grid to which our 5% share is linked. As these prices are locked for a limited time we can expect future income to drop back to a lower amount more typical of historic values.

Our income for Technical Support to the hydro schemes, provided by Stuart, has been significantly increased from £50 to £115 monthly.

As can be seen on Page 1 the fund is currently very healthy and we have £18516 (£33108 Actual – less £14952 Committed) available now to be spent on new projects. As we like to remind you, this is your money so please come forward with ideas of how to spend it on projects that will enhance the village. Application forms are available from Neil.

Please always apply for the up-to-date form and avoid using any ones already in your possession.

ART Banking

The new bank accounts are already proving to be much more efficient in making payments to those who have applied for funding. In addition to this we have also accrued £263.61 in interest since opening the accounts in October last year. This more than offsets the account fee which amounts to £60 per annum.

Annual Accounts

We have compiled our accounts for financial year 23-24 and these have now been audited. We will present these at the forthcoming AGM and then submit them to OSCR.

ART Constitution

The Constitution was written when ART was set up and formed the basis of how we would operate. With 6+ years having now elapsed, it was felt that it was worthy of a review. That review revealed some typographical errors in the text and some minor modifications needed to our processes and organisation structure in order to better reflect how we were actually operating. In addition to this we clarified, through the inclusion of definitions, the eligibility of members based on geographical boundary and residential status. This was conducted in consultation with OSCR. The Constitution is now at formal release Issue 2 and has been filed by OSCR.


This year’s AGM will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd of July at 7:30pm. This is an open meeting and your attendance is welcomed. Further details will be published in the ACC Weekly Newsletter and displayed on the village noticeboard.




The amounts shown against each project are ART’s contribution to its cost.

Picnic Tables

Applicant – Walled Garden

£1800 part funded by ART

The Walled Garden purchased three 8-seater picnic tables that are now out in the garden increasing their seating capacity at events. These are low maintenance all weather tables made from recycled plastic and should provide many years of service.

Bowling Green Repairs

Applicant – Ardentinny Bowling Club

£2200 part funded by ART

The wooden boards supporting the edges of the bowling green were rotting and the green itself had begun to drop away reducing the playing capacity of the green. New plastic boards were fitted and the green relevelled. Opportunity was taken to replace the wooden steps down to the green with concrete ramps.











Sound Equipment

Applicant – Music Group

£200 part funded by ART

Sound equipment for use by the music group has been put to regular use at their weekly meetings. Available for other uses, it has recently been utilised at the monthly Quiz Nights



Village Hall Internet & Phone Service

Applicant – Village Hall Association

£684.36 fully funded by ART

A mast mounted antenna has now been installed which connects to the mobile
phone 4G network and provides the Hall users with Internet access and VOIP calling e.g. WhatsApp. Users can access the service by logging into the Hall’s WiFi and can expect download speeds of up to 10 Mb/s with coverage extending throughout the carpark.


Previously, weak phone signals limited the ability to
phone emergency services from the Hall.  This deficiency was identified by the Emergency Team and was a key requirement of any implemented solution.


The Hall Association are funding the running costs of the service.

Carpark Toilets Cleaning Contract

Applicant – Ardentinny CC

£1242 part funded by ART

This payment supplements the funding from A&B Council to cover the annual cost of weekly cleaning which is required in order for the toilets to remain open to the public. The CC has managed to negotiate the cost to be held to last year’s price.


As well as the completed projects, funding has been approved for repairs to the Bowling Green Clubhouse and preliminary approval has been given for new heating for the Village Hall. Factoring in these commitments and including £7000 reserved as an Emergency Fund, determines  the amount of £18516 mentioned earlier that is currently available for new projects.

    Constitution available as a PDF to download


Newsletters from Ardentinny Renewables Trust











We would like to remind everyone in the village that the Ardentinny Renewables fund is not just open to large projects in the village it is there for everyone to use so yes even the small groups or individuals can apply for funding it could be a small amount or large amount depending on the project you have in mind, the project should benefit the village in some way shape or form, this could be simply enhancing the beauty of the village putting in benches protecting and promoting wildlife or gathering funds to get new equipment for your group, any projects can apply.

UPDATE 2nd March 2018

The two hydro schemes have been working at maximum capacity throughout the winter and we are awaiting the first payment from the feed in tariff.

Ross has his first payment and Hydrover say we should be paid in March as they will be paid from SSE in March (one year since the scheme was formed)


Ardentinny Renewables Trust



Douglas Menzies Bill Tierney Neil Robinson Janette Reilly   Ross McCarther

Kenneth Evans    



Rob Bray


Not in attendance

David Mackenzie   Thomas Marshall






DM introduced everyone including Kenneth and a vote was conducted to co-opt Kenneth onto the ART.


Kenneth would become a direct replacement for Thomas Marshall who was stepping down from the group




Vote was proposed by Douglas Menzies


Seconded by Bill Teirney


Everyone present was in favour and Kenneth is now a co-opted member of the ART


DM gave an overview of the current standing of the ART which is now fully set up as a charity which does have rules , a fully accepted constitution and responsibility’s such as attendance of meetings as and when required by the group




DM asked the secretary NR to remove Thomas Marshal from the headed paper and replace him with KE


Completed letter head has been revised.


DM gave a full overview of the state of play for the current Hydrover system

This system is now fully in place and although there are some minor teething issues with reception for the communications the system is complete and the ART may receive the first funds sometime in November 2017.




RM gave an overview of his current system.

The system still has outstanding work to be completed such as electrical work and some turbine work but he expects the system to be up and running by the end of July.

He has had to downgrade the system from 200kw to 100Kw due to decreases in the current FIT rates and increases in other costs, clearly this will have an impact on the amount of money coming into the group but until the system is up and running it is unknown how much the impact will actually be.

He will inform the group once all the work has been completed and give us a full tour of the site


RM also stated that he is considering putting in another smaller 50Kw system in the area sometime in the future, he will notify the group if this goes ahead.

