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Ardentinny Community Council

Your weekly news from the Community Council and Village Hall Friday 18th July 2024


Hi All,

Here is the weekly news from the Ardentinny Community Council and the Village Hall. (A quiet week!).


Ardentinny Community Council News


Western Ferries – Concessionary Ticket Travel

Many of you will be aware, but just in case you aren’t, for those using the concession tickets on Western Ferries, staff are asking to see your Travel Ferry Card. If you can’t show it then you will be charged for a full price ticket. Apparently, this is not at the behest of Western Ferries but Strathclyde Passenger Transport.


Roadworks – FLS road from village hall through to the Beach, work starts mid August 2024

Start date for repairs to the road by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) is still mid-August. (Initial start date was Monday 13 May 2024).


4 Lady members of the Bowling Club

Winners and runners up on Ladies Day 14.7.24


What’s On Dunoon and Dunoon Community Development Trust

If you are interested to know about what is happening in Dunoon and surrounding districts have a look at the What’s On Dunoon website. And here is a link to the Dunoon Community Development Trust website.


Ardentinny Community Council Facebook page and Website

The Community Council website can be found here -

The Facebook page has been updated, search for Ardentinny Community Council and we have an Instagram site under the same name.





Village Hall Weekly News

A white building with a ramp
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Village Hall Quiz Night

John is taking a well-earned break now for the summer so there will be no Village Hall Quiz in August but he will be back with the next quiz taking place in September. We will announce this closer to the time.



Stuart has managed to get the Broadband up and running again after some issues with the Vodafone network – all the hardware working fine, so we are again able to make wifi calls in an emergency.





The Hall needs lots of TLC - refurbishment to heating, disabled toilets and access, upgrades to kitchen facilities and general building maintenance, all this costs a great deal of money. With this in mind the management team have set up a number of methods to enable the community to easily donate to the community hall fund:


  1. If you don’t have a smart phone and don’t like using technology we have installed a donation box immediately inside the hall entrance. Please support the hall whenever you use it – this will enable us to ensure that the hall remains available for both current and future residents.

A blue box with a keyhole
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ii)  If you have a smart phone then you can scan this QR code (below) this will take you direct to a secure PayPal link and enable you to give direct to the hall – you can make a one-off donation or even regular monthly donations (if you prefer). You don’t need to have a Paypal account to do this.

 A qr code with black squares
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iii)  If you do have a PayPal account and don’t like using QR codes then if you highlight and press Control+Click on this link you can give directly to the hall using




(you can also do this by simply typing this into your Browser)

Please give, because none of this is possible without your support - “every little helps”


Below is a list of the regular hall events with contact details. You can also find this on the Ardentinny Community Council web site.


That’s all for now

Mark Rowthorn (Chairman), Brian Hillesdon (Secretary), Helen West (Treasurer), Elsbeth Brint and Dee Robinson




Weekly Groups

Ardentinny Village Hall

22nd July - 28th July 2024

Village hall membership information



Membership £12 per year

from 1st April each year

Pay directly into the hall account with the details below.

Please write the first line of your address as the reference and email your name and the name of anyone else you are paying for including the reference that this has been done to:

Ardentinny Hall Association

A/c: 00123850

Sort: 80-13-46


Ukulele/Music group

Please join us on from 17.30-19.30. 

Following our successful live debut at the bowling club, we are currently running a beginner session. 

All abilities welcome, spare instruments available. 

£3 per session, tea/coffee included.

Email :-

for further info.

Ladies Badminton 

10.30 am – 12.30pm

£3 per person.

Contact for more info- 

Anne Wood

07894 274422






7pm – 9pm

All welcome for a chat and a cuppa and friendly help with your knitting/ crochet/ quilting etc. Anyone who has a hobby or would just like to drop in and meet people, please call in.

Contact Margo Hendry 01369 810262

£3 per person.


Heavenly Mountain Gate Tai-Chi Chuan (Yang Tradition)

6.30pm – 7.30pm

£5 per person

Contact Bryan on 07813 374879 for new enquiries.






Hiring the village hall



Contact for more information

£100 Per day

£50 1/2 day


