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Ardentinny Community Council

 Your weekly news update Friday 7th February 2025


Hi All,

Here is the weekly news from the Ardentinny Community Council and the Village Hall.


Ardentinny Community Council News


POLICE VISIT – Scam/Fraud Prevention Talk, Ardentinny Village Hall,

11am, Wednesday 12th February

This is the rescheduled visit of PC Cunningham who will give a scam/fraud prevention talk, to help raise awareness and help people spot scams and stop them becoming victims.

Can you please email us at if you plan to attend. Could be a very worthwhile opportunity to hear the advice.


Storm Eowyn Response

In the aftermath of Storm Eowyn, the Ardentinny Community Emergency Team held a review of what went well and what could be improved during the power outage. We noted areas for improvement in terms of how we communicate within the team. We also identified a number of immediate purchases that would benefit residents in the event of a similar outage. We will keep you posted on progress.

We have already provided feedback to SSEN on how we thought they performed including the frustration at the optimistic reconnection times they gave!

Questionnaire for residents

We will be dropping a questionnaire through your letter boxes soon requesting your feedback regarding the impact the loss of power with you. The purpose is to allow the Emergency Team to establish the needs of individual village households in the event of a power cut of various durations. These needs will vary depending on various factors e.g. ability to cook or heat your house etc.

Please note this it is entirely voluntary for you to return it. If you wish to return a completed questionnaire either drop it in the Village Hall letter box or at 11 Ardenfield.


Finally, we will speak to Forestry and Land Scotland about the removal of trees that could cause damage to houses and other property, plus look for a solution to the trees that are within striking distance of the power lines. I appreciate some of you are trying to do this yourselves, or have done in the past with varying success. If you could share your experiences and who you contacted in Forestry and Land Scotland it would be appreciated.


Ardentinny Community Council Facebook page and Website

The Community Council website can be found here -

The Facebook page has been updated, search for Ardentinny Community Council and we have an Instagram site under the same name.





Ardentinny Village Hall Weekly News



Have to advise that the Scone off has been cancelled.


Unfortunately, a number of people have had to stand down from the Hall Cleaning Rota Team. If you are able to spare an hour say once a month to join the cleaning team, please let Elsbeth Brint know at


We are selling mugs to help raise money for the village hall refurbishment. Mugs are for sale either individually or in whatever number you would like £5 each or £25 for 6 (any design).

Please contact Helen Rowthorn at if you are interested in any.

Top left to top right then bottom row we called them:

 ·         Red boat (SOLD OUT)

·         Summer view

·         Swans in the bay

·         Winter in Ardentinny

·         Ferry cottage

·         Loch long


Below is a list of the regular hall events with contact details. You can also find this on the Ardentinny Community Council web site.

That’s all for now

Mark Rowthorn (Chairman), Brian Hillesdon (Secretary), Helen Rowthorn (Treasurer), and Elsbeth Brint (Trustee).

Ardentinny Village hall groups 

Weekly Groups

Ardentinny Village Hall

10th- 16th February 2025

Village hall membership information



Membership £12 per year

from 1st April each year

Pay directly into the hall account with the details below.

Please write the first line of your address as the reference and email your name and the name of anyone else you are paying for including the reference that this has been done to:

Ardentinny Hall Association

A/c: 00123850

Sort: 80-13-46

Ukulele/Music group

Please join us on from 17.30-19.30. 

Following our successful live debut at the bowling club, we are currently running a beginner session. 

All abilities welcome, spare instruments available. 

£3 per session, tea/coffee included.

Email :-

for further info.

Ladies Badminton 

10.30 am – 12.30pm

£3 per person.

Contact for more info- 

Anne Wood

07894 274422  


7.30pm Ardentinny Community Council

Public meeting

all are welcome





7pm – 9pm

All welcome for a chat and a cuppa and friendly help with your knitting/ crochet/ quilting etc. Anyone who has a hobby or would just like to drop in and meet people, please call in.

Contact Margo Hendry 01369 810262

£3 per person.

Carpet bowls 


Membership £25 per year for more information

Contact Gordon Smith 01369 810218



Heavenly Mountain Gate Tai-Chi Chuan (Yang Tradition)

6.30pm – 7.30pm

£5 per person

Contact Bryan on 07813 374879 for new enquiries.





Private Hiring of the village hall

The village hall Quiz will be in 14th December and as usual hosted by John Brint. Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Remember to bring your own snacks and drinks. Members £2.50 each and Non-members £3.00.

A chance to wear something festive :)




Contact for more information

£100 Per day

£50 1/2 day

