Jan 2020 Minute
Minute of meeting held January 2020
Present Neil Robinson, Bill Tierney, Alistair McLundie, Jim Robinson, Marian Norris.
Apologies Stuart Chalmers. Dougie Menzies
Alan Reid (Argyll & Bute), Laura Evans (Police), Bob Darracot, (National Park), David McDowall. Vicky Fairley, Elsbeth Brint, John Brint, Lynn Kerr.
Declaration of Interest None
Minutes of September meeting. Proposed Seconded
Police Report.
Since October there have been 15 incidents
2 traffic incidents
A report of an aggressive dog toward another dog. She informed that, in incidents such as this, the dog warden has more powers than the police it is best to inform them. If a dog bites a person then this is a police matter.
2 fire incidents Materials burned at the caravan park and also an accidental house fire
Attempted fraud incident. Reminder to be vigilant of suspicious emails received.
6 disturbance incidents although 5 were of the same incident.
Report about a political posters being removed.
A neighbour diverting a prime water supply.
Report of a house breaking in Strone with suspicions that the offenders may be camping in Ardentinny direction.. Although they were not part of the offence one was found to be smoking cannabis and the other already had a warrant for his arrest.
Current initiatives. Changes in police powers regarding drink/drug driving.
In the next few months there will be a campaign to try to recruit Special Constables.
Minutes of last meeting.
Proposed Bill Tierney Seconded Marian Norris
Matters arising from minutes None
Treasurers Report
Bill reported that the payments for the cleaning of the toilets is being set up.
Balance of CC account is £2542.93
Funding toward projects dealing with increasing resilience against hazardous conditions such as snow, ice etc. Neil will put info on the noticeboard. It was acknowledged that this may be beneficial to the Ardentinny Emergency Plan.
Correspondence from John Brint with a complaint about fly tipping at the lighthouse area. This has also been sent to the Forestry who have dealt with the situation.
Neil suggested that any complaints regarding Forestry issues could be sent to him to be passed on to the relevant person at the Forestry.
Former residents Stevie and Sheena Johnston would like to place a commemorative bench at their old home (Craighoyle & Gypsy Rose). No objections to this from the Community Council but permission would be required from relevant agencies.
Forestry Commission Report.
Stuart Chalmers was unable to attend but sent a report.
One of the issues was the parking such as caravans camper vans at the beach. They have no money to deal with the issue this year.
Bob Darracot (NP) asked if he could be copied in to the emails between CC and Forestry as the NP also have an interest in the area.
National Park Report
Regarding planning applications There has been no formal application received from Dawnfresh. Marian asked if there has been any further information sent to the CC as there are other CC’s who appear to have additional information. Neil has been contacting Dawnfresh fortnightly but has received nothing back. He will write again raising these issues.
Bob will inform if there are any changes in the planning.
CC should be notified that Forestry Scotland will be doing work on Blairmore Hill.
Kilmun Pier. Western Ferries have identified new consultants to provide the additional information required by the planning department.
There are several applications for the west side of Loch Lomond. Cameron House proposals were passed, Luss Estates housing proposals still being considered.
Matt from NP is willing to come to a meeting when Forestry Scotland are also able to attend.
Consultation about a policy document called The Active Park will be distributed in January.
Councillors Report
A speed survey was carried out in front of Swedish Houses. The result was an average of 29mph.
The survey outside the 30mph area is still to be carried out.
The poor sightlines south of the village they roads department would look to attend to this by mid December.
The roads department cleared the gullies at Swedish Houses around November. It was acknowledged that this is a recurring issue and needs regular attention. Alan will report back to the council
The slow signs at The Ardentinny have been promised by the end of January.
There has been no contact from A&B legal department regarding the contract for the public toilets.
A consultation on budgets ended on 15th December and the budgets preparation should have been well ahead but, due to the general election, and other budget requirements the process has been delayed but should be prepared by end of February.
Neil brought up the issue of potholes which is a major issue in the village. The method of repairs is inadequate and not cost effective as they are repeatedly being repaired.
Jim asked if there were any information about the proposed rally. Not as yet.
Actual Reality Report No report
Aff the Clyde No report
Emergency Action Plan
Alistair reported that he has had a few volunteers come forward. He has formulated the majority of the information. He will contact those included in the plan for confirmation that their contact details can be made public. Alistair will make a list of necessary requirements. Once this is completed it will passed to A&B for approval. When completed, the plan would be available on CC website plus .org. Other methods will be considered as not all people use internet. There will be further consideration of how this will be fed out to residents.
There is now a paid cleaner who is dealing with the toilets. This is being funded by the annual grant from A&B council and a grant from Ardentinny Renewables Trust. There has still been no communication from A&B regarding discussion about the contract changes.
Future meetings
Neil will send out an email to inform of dates for future meetings.
Delegates Reports
Caucus. There have been no meetings since last meeting.
Website No reports. If anyone has anything they wish included on the website then they can send it straight to the admin or to the chair of CC.
Planning Nothing to report.
Community Action Plan On hold for now.
Village Updates
Ardentinny Renewables Trust. Small projects have been approved and the money to be sent out. An application from the Walled Garden has not yet been agreed.
Ardentinny Village Hall No report.
Ardentinny Community Trust. Work continues in the walled garden with assistance from HELP programme, volunteer days, etc. The old noticeboard which was donated by the Community Council has been erected.
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group. General tidy up in Coronation Wood. Looking for people to assist in replenishing the bird feeders at the Nature Trail. The group have been involved in the Festive Lunch in Kilmun Hall by donating the soup, making up the children’s goody bags, making the table decorations. It was acknowledged that groups and individuals and musicians from Ardentinny were very much involved in providing their time and effort in making it a successful event. There is feedback that providing dog poo bags at the beginning of the shore path has been appreciated.
Stuart Chalmers from Forestry Scotland has agreed to meet with Marian to discuss how they can assist with the development of the Nature Trail.
Defibrillator. Where the second defib should be sited is still under consideration. Several sites have been thought of with the most appropriate being at the village hall.
Mailing list Neil asked that residents continue to let people know that they can join the email mailing list to find out what is discussed at CC meetings.
Discussion regarding the overflowing textile bins. Marian will contact A&B regarding this.
Next meeting. AGM followed by scheduled meeting. Date to be arranged.