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Ardentinny Community Council

July 2019



Minute of meeting held in Arden tinny Village Hall on 1st July 2019.




Present           Neil Robinson, Bill Tierney, Alistair McLundie, Jim Robinson, Rob Bray, Marian Norris

Other              Councillor Alan Reid, Bob Darracott (NP) Vicky Fairley, David McDowall, Lynn Kerr, Rosie Robertson, Eileen Connell, Marian McIntosh, Rhona Sweeney, David Sweeney, Jim Urquart. Elsbeth Brunt, John Brunt. Bill Williamson

Apologies       None                          


Neil Robinson (Convener) welcomed all to the meeting.

Declaration of Interest                    None


Minute of last meeting. Lynn Kerr (Community Trust) wished it to be noted that the Trust report had not been included in the previous meetings minute. Neil apologised for this oversight. The Community Trust report from the previous meeting is added as an amendment to this minute.


Minute  Proposed     Bill Tierney       Seconded     Alistair McLundie

Minute accepted


Police Report             None


Treasurers Report    Bill gave an update of the financial situation. The balance since the AGM is the same £2344.73. The 2 grants from A& B council (admin grant and toilet cleaning) grant are up to date.



All correspondence received has been sent to all CC members with any pertinent ones being displayed on the noticeboard or put on the website.

Work on the A83 will begin resurfacing works shortly. Information of this will be put on noticeboard and website.

Letter from Highland and Small Communities Housing Trust to advertise their Self Build Loan Fund. More info on noticeboard.

Forestry Commission                       No report. Alistair contacted the commission for a report but with no response. The importance of have up to date reports from the forestry was acknowledged. Alistair will attempt to make contact with them again for the next meeting.

National Park Report

In regard to the proposed fish farm, there has been no formal application put in to the National Park. Bob went on to outline the process of applications.

Western Ferries have put in enhanced plans for their proposal of changes to Kilmun pier

Forestry Commission Scotland has a new Regional Manager, Carol McGuiness. Several Community Councils have raised concerns about the lack of “visibility” from the forestry commission. Some of the other CC’s have been in touch with the new manager raising their concerns of the lack of communication with the forestry. It was agreed that the secretary of Arden tinny CC will contact her direct.

The National Park have launched a Tree Planting Scheme which is a grant scheme supporting communities involved in planting trees in public spaces,

The Planning Bill mentioned at the last meeting passed through its third reading after which it goes for Royal Assent.

Camping in the area causes concern. Bob wrote to Matt Upland the National Park Visitor who had spoken to Sue Morris last year. Matt Upland is willing to meet with  of Forestry Scotland to discuss the situation.  Bob advised that it would be beneficial to contact Police 101 when there are concerns at the beach. This could give a more formal picture which would require official reporting.

It was acknowledged that the camping at Ardentinny beach is causing serious difficulties with rubbish, fires, dog fouling as well as human excrement being left.

Bob explained the process of monitoring of the bye-laws imposed two and a half years ago in the Loch Lomond area.

Jim asked where the Memorials held in the former Ardentinny Church will go. It is the intention that they will go to Strone Church for safekeeping.

Councillor’s Report

Alan reported that 6 senior managers posts have been removed which will free up a lot of money.

Next year’s budget process starts in August.

Road repairs included £13,000 for an overlay on the C9 outside Ardenfield.

There will be a notice in the press informing that the council are planning to put traffic regulation orders on all the car parks that they operate. It is to enable vehicles like camper vans, goods vehicles etc, parking overnight in unsuitable places can be charged. 

Actual Reality Report                       None

Dawn Fresh Fish Farm Proposal.

Neil read out the results of the Community Council survey on the proposal of the fish farm. The survey asked simply, Are you for or against the fish farm? All those eligible to vote were included.

Surveys handed out             152

Replies                                    137

This represents 91.3% of the village responded.

For the proposal                   17

Against                                   101

Don’t know                            19

This represents 73.72% of the 137 responders were against the fish farm.

This gives Ardentinny Community Council a direction in which to continue.

First action was to write to SEPA covering all the points the majority of Arden tinny feel are important to oppose the siting of the fish farm.

Rob suggested that a report is sent to the local paper. This was agreed.

Neil has asked Dawnfresh for an update on their proposal and a date for an open meeting. It is their intention to hold a meeting once the EIA report from the NP is available

Aff the Clyde Report

Jann Garrett was unable to attend but gave a report. Rob summarised the content and the whole report will be placed on the noticeboard.

Marian was asked if the Caucus meeting had any comments. Marian had reported this to the Caucus but it had not yet been discussed due to other priorities. It will be brought up at the next meeting.

Emergency Action Plan.

Alistair gave an update on the process of developing the Action Plan. This is a particularly large time-consuming piece of work but there may be more progress by the next meeting.

Church car park toilets

Marian outlined the history of the toilets and the reason why Ardentinny CC took over the cleaning etc. of the toilets. However, there are no additional volunteers coming forward to help.

Concerns over the existing contract have arisen and needs further investigation on particular points. The main concern is that there may not be public liability in place. On this basis it was decided to close the toilets until the question of insurance is resolved.

Delegates Reports

Caucus   A meeting held with the CEO of the NHS to discuss the future of our local health services. Minutes of the meeting have been sent out but these are still to be amended and approved.

Website,                                            Nothing to report

Planning                                             Nothing to report

Community Action Plan                   Rob reported that he had been contacted about the 'Place Standard' which is a Scottish Government  tool that can be used to find out how people feel about their area, which can then fed  into compiling an Action Plan. All groups in the village had been contacted to see if they were interested  but there had been no response. Samantha Somers at the Community Planning provided a link to the process to see how it works. One of the more important issues which will be included will climate change as part of community planning.  


Community Reports

Ardentinny Renewables Trust

Applications to the Renewables Trust

Support for the church toilets                                            Thrown out

Bowling club for improving the water system                 Approved

Walled Garden for tables and chairs                                 Approved

Heritage Group for planter at site of old noticeboard    Approved

Aff the Clyde                                                                         Deferred

The AGM will take place on 23rd July. More information will be available at the AGM


Ardentinny Hall Management Group

Over the next 2 months the committee will be visiting all houses to establish a membership of the association as agreed at the AGM.

Repair to the roof will be followed through

An application to the Renewables Trust will be made for rendering and painting of the outside.

Limited resources through the summer means we will hold up any fund-raising events until autumn.

Classes continue.

Next meeting of the hall committee is 30th July at 7.30


Ardentinny Community Trust

Some of the new raised beds have been planted and a few are managed by locals.

Fifty, Primary 1 and 2 pupils from Kirn Primary came out to Ardentinny and the Walled Garden for their Summer Trip.

One of the young pupils has since brought her family out to show them around the Garden.

The Garden hosted a Table Top Sale with music provided by ‘The Hawf Pint Band’.

We have continued help from a regular band of volunteers, Community Payback, HELP Ltd and National Park Volunteers.

The large storage and public structure is finished.

We have received a grant from the Ardentinny Renewable Trust to purchase tables and chairs for events.

Now we are getting ready for the Big Picnic which is from 12 – 4.30 on Sunday 28th of July.

There will be live music and light refreshments as usual.


Ardentinny Conservation and Heritage Group

We got together to have a general tidy up of Coronation Wood. Verges were cut and some of the broken branches used to make an animal sanctuary and a stick circle. Due to lack of communication from the Forestry we have not managed to get the paths cut at the Nature Trail and Bird Hide. We can’t access the Laird’s Grave at the moment.



Community Interloch

There is the possibility that groups can access this service for community outings etc although dependent on the availability.



Jim suggested that either one or two defibrillators are accessed for the village. Neil will send Jim information on funding for this.


Road Safety

Last February 2018 there was an email from Nigel Potts to say that they will put slow signs at the area of the Arden tinny. This has not been done. This is a very dangerous area with several access points onto the C9. Several issues were contained in the email of Feb 2018-none of which have been addressed.

Concerns about the speed of cars through the village was discussed and whether the existing speed restrictions in the village could be extended. Alan was asked to take all these concerns back to Nigel Potts.


Mailing list

If anyone wishes to be on the email list please get in touch with the CC members

Vicky asked why there was a hold up with the Emergency Plan. Alistair gave the reasons for it not being completed.


Date of next meeting 30th September 2019

Amendment to April minutes

Ardentinny Community Trust report for the Community Council March 2019

Since the New Year we have welcomed 2 new volunteers.

Brian Kerr cleared area round well and behind wall. organizing yard

More raised beds HELP Soil, seaweed mulching and dung Potash from Outdoor Centre

Soft fruit area weeded, pruned and laid with bark and chipping.

Fruit trees and plants pruned and cut back.

Garden tidied

Vinyl lifted and new floor laid and varnished.

Children’s Potting Shed with grant from National Trust

The garden will officially open for the new season with an Easter Event on Easter Sunday.

Getting ready for Easter Event


