Ardentinny Hall Association is a registered Scottish Charity Number SC 027868
The Ardentinny Village Hall Committee Trustees
Chairman- Mark Rowthorn
Secretary- Brian Hillesdon
Treasurer- Helen Rowthorn
Elsbeth Brint
If you would like to join the hall team, more helpers are always welcome, please contact us
Ardentinny Village Hall Association is a registered Scottish Charity SC 027868, managed by the volunteers on the hall committee.
November 2024
We have had the defibrillator cabinet installed at the village hall (thanks to mark Holmes) and the defibrillator is up and running inside. It is also registered on “The Circuit” so that the emergency services know it is available. Again, as per British Heart Foundation recommendations the cabinet is locked, but the code is retrievable by calling the number on the cabinet. For Hall users the Code is on the indoor Noticeboard. This defibrillator was purchased from funds awarded by the Highgate Hall Trustees.
Quiz night
Saturday 14th December at 7.30pm
The next village hall Quiz has a Christmas Theme and will be hosted by John Brint.
is the Village Hall Quiz Night (doors open at 7pm)
Come along and have a few laughs! Remember to bring your own drinks and snacks.
£2.50 per member and £3.00 for non-members.
Please join any table you wish (max 6 per table)
so make a date in your diary now. Plus there will be Bonus Ball competition so bring some extra cash
The Ardentinny Village Hall now has a facebook group
Please follow - 'Ardentinny Village Hall' on Face book
and also on instagram
On Facebook there is also a group page of the same name
Hopefully to use the facebook market place to sell items to raise money for the hall.
Any donations are welcome to get this up and running :)
Ardentinny Village Hall needs major refurbishment to heating, disabled access, kitchen facilities and general building
maintenance, all this costs a great deal of money.
The Village Hall committee are actively applying for funding towards these costs.
The groups that regularly use the hall contribute to these, but more is needed to improve the hall to a required
standard for continued community use.
We are hoping that you will donate to support our fundraising efforts do enable these updates to the hall so that
it is of use to the community for many years to come.
Please give as “Every little helps”
Very Many Thanks
Helen Rowthorn
Scan this QR code and it will take you to a PayPal link to donate
This Button will take you to the Ardentinny Village Hall PayPal Account for Donations.
Please consider a donation to refurbish our lovely village hall.
Ardentinny Village hall
weekly groups/ clubs
Weekly Groups |
Ardentinny Village Hall |
2024 |
Village hall membership information |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Membership £12 per year from 1st April each year Pay directly into the hall account with the details below. Please write the first line of your address as the reference and then email your name and the name of anyone else you are paying including the reference that this has been done to: Ardentinny Hall Association A/c: 00123850 Sort: 80-13-46
Ukulele/Music group Please join us on from 17.30-19.30pm. Following our successful live debut at the bowling club, we are currently running a beginner session. All abilities welcome, spare instruments available. £3 per session, tea/coffee included. Email :- for further info.
Ladies Badminton 10.30 am – 12.30pm £3 per person. Contact for more info- Anne Wood 07894 274422
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Hobbies 7pm – 9pm All welcome for a chat and a cuppa and friendly help with your knitting/ crochet/ quilting etc. Anyone who has a hobby or would just like to drop in and meet people, please call in. Contact Margo Hendry 01369 810262 £3 per person.
Ardentinny & Blairmore Carpet Bowls Club from 3rd October 2.30pm- 4pm at the village hall Members £25 non-member £2.50 per session All welcome to join in (October to the end of March) Contact Gordon Smith for more information 01369 810218 Tai-Chi Heavenly Mountain Gate Tai-Chi Chuan (Yang Tradition) 6.30pm – 7.30pm £5 per person Contact Bryan on 07813 374879 for new enquiries.
Saturday |
Sunday |
Hiring the village hall |
Monthly quiz nights please check the calender Hall open 7pm for 7.30pm start |
Contact for more information £100 Per day £50 1/2 day |
Membership is required by all who attend the regular clubs in the hall. |
John and Elsbeth Brint are going to be running the acclaimed monthly Village Hall Quiz nights. These will take place EVERY MONTH on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
The hall will open at 7.00pm and the quiz will start at 7.30pm. Bring your own drinks and snacks – Fee will be £2.50 per person for member and £3.00 for visitors
– please join any table you wish.
Remember all the money raised goes to keeping the hall running for everyone to use.
Other events to be organised by the village hall please check the newsletter and calender
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
The meeting agenda
The Management Team are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting for all Hall Members on Tuesday 9th July at 7.00pm in the Ardentinny Village Hall. There are a number of important issues that Members need to be aware of and to vote on – some involve major planned physical changes to the hall but the most important and immediate is that the Trustees want to change the status of the hall charity from an Unincorporated Association to an Incorporated Organisation. This will involve forming a new charity and closing the old one – a decision that can only be made by the Members. It is therefore important to state that while the hall is open and available to all local residents this decision can only be made by current paid up Members. We will be writing individually to all current hall Members in the next few days to explain in more detail what is involved and the reasons for the changes. Please put this important EGM date in your diary.
Ardentinny Village Hall Association - Minutes
Public Meeting – 19th March 2024
19th March 2024 7pm
Chair: Guy Elder
Treasurer: Olwyn Calder - Mcshane
Secretary: Dee Robinson
Member: Neil Robinson
Attendees: Brian Hillesdon
Mark Rowthorn
Helen West
Roger Canning
Elsbeth & John Brint
Linda Naismith
Susie Robertson
Lydia and Dave Moodie
Apologies: Sandra & Ian Davidson
Jeannie Rowland & Jim Urquhart
Mike Loochin
Isobel Gray
Neil thanked everyone for coming.
Olwyn gave the accounts report and explained we are in a better position than last year after funding and fund-raising events.
Olwyn was concerned we needed the accounts to be signed off and this needs to be a registered accountant. This has been looked into and we know this does not have to be a qualified accountant.
Guy offered to sign these off as he has been involved with the running of the hall and understands the expenditure.
Guy explained we are better off than some of the other halls which are in financial difficulty.
Neil explained we have had a lot of free electricity then explained the latest electric bill and readings and paper passed round to everyone attending, with the figures on.
Guy apologised for being late and explained he is stepping down as chairman, he thanked previous members for assisting.
Neil is stepping down as a group member but will carry on with the projects he has already started.
Outstanding projects are:
The kitchen area will need £5k to make improvements including buying industrial size ovens so we can apply for food hygiene certificates which opens more doors for people wishing to hire the hall for functions such as weddings and catering for events such as the Argyll Rally. We have also looked at connecting to the internet.
We have requested for £15k from the sale of Highgate Hall to install updated heating now the hall has been insulated and the electric wiring has been replaced.
The bicycle rack needs to be constructed and fitted.
Previous Projects
Guy explained the previous projects which have been completed including all damp and ingress has been dealt with, new guttering, roofing and the hall decorated.
Although there are issues with storage namely in the container, but we have not had a chance to start to sort this out. A date will be organised where the village will have the opportunity to come and assist with emptying and tidying the container and anything which has not been used for a while will be given as first refusal to the village before either being disposed of or given to a charity shop.
Funding is also available for the hall, although, we have not had time to look into this and apply for any.
Before Guy and Neil stepped down, the group decided to increase the rental of the hall has not been updated (as far as we know) for the last 10 years so to cover electric usage and insurance this has been increased from £7 per hour to £10 per hour and will begin on the 1st April 2024. Neil advised that if any groups are struggling, with the price increase, to go and speak to him and he will assist with looking at funding rather than any groups disbanding.
The price increase for groups has been reviewed and will not be £10 per hour as we have been informed this is too high and due to some groups having less members on some days, this is not practical.
The new Hall Management Group secretary will mention any changes when a new update is sent.
Guy mentioned the tree stumps in the corner of the car park will be moved in due course.
The brush is to be cleared as he is trying to avoid run off when there is heavy rain from forming a deep puddle near his property which keeps happening and could potentially cut off residents from that part of the village from leaving to get into town etc.
We requested volunteers to come onto the group to prevent all groups being disbanded and the hall closing and being sold.
Mark Rowthorn volunteered to be Chairman and Brian Hillesdon volunteered to be secretary.
After Dee explained that rather than putting all responsibility for setting up functions on one or two people, if there were 6 volunteers to clean the hall, this would mean the hall would be cleaned by each person once every 6 weeks or once every 3 weeks if they were to work in pairs. There would also be one person to go to the local paper to advertise the larger functions, someone to go to the printers to order posters and flyers and everyone to distribute these to the town and outside areas rather than only having one or two people to do all of it.
As a result, Elsbeth and Helen have also kindly volunteered to come on to the group.
A meeting of the new Management Group will be confirmed to discuss further projects and events going forward and assist in a smooth transition of information for the new chairman and secretary.
Linda Naismith requested we ask a member from each group to be present at meetings to keep everyone informed of news and changes. This was agreed upon and will be actioned on future meetings.
Kind Regards,