Draft Locality Plan
Added on 02 April 2017
The draft locality plan is out for discussion just now. The Cowal Health & Care Forum have been given an extended period until 10th April to respond to the draft plan. It pretty long winded and full of jargon etc but we would appreciate your comments which can be included in the CHCF's report.
Below is a message from Duncan MacGillvray and a copy of the Draft Plan. Comments welcome please.
Have been looking for a way of sharing this draft document of the Local Planning Group, but have had difficulties. This plan will contribute to shaping future policy in Cowal . As HCF chairperson I have to provide written feedback by the 10 th April!
The document is long and heavy on acronyms and jargon, but if you are minded to do so I would welcome feedback.
Argyll and Bute Locality Action Plan 2017/18 – Cowal
Locality Population Locality Description
Area of Focus 1. Reduce avoidable emergency admissions to hospital and minimise time people are delayed
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A1.1 Extend the scope and capacity of the Cowal virtual ward to provide high quality care in peoples own homes
Jayne Lawrence Wynch
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Increase public and partner awareness of the virtual ward Awareness raising exercises undertaken Craig Tannahill HCF and Coms and Engagement Quarterly Patients and public are aware of and confident in the Virtual Ward
Embed community based virtual step up and step down beds Virtual Step up and Step down bed capacity meets demand Craig Tannahill Staff, Patients and GPS July 2017 GPs and others routinely access virtual step up and step down beds as an alternative to hospital admission and to support timeous discharge
Establish home assessment service within the virtual ward as an alternative to emergency hospital admission Rapid response Virtual ward assessment service in place Jayne Lawrence Wynch Staff , Patients and GPs October 2017 Rapid response community assessments service operating and being routinely accessed as an alternative to Hospital emergency admission
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A1.2 Increase the proportion of adults with a significant mental health difficulty being supported in the community as opposed to a hospital. Vicky O’Reilly
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Establish a Mental Health team Virtual Ward including step up and step down care Proposals presented to LPG Vicky O’Reilly and ? 3rd and independent sector June 2017 Proposals developed
Reduce CMHT waiting times Review of referral pathway
eligibility/referral criteria
Vicky O’Reilly and ? Coms and engagement June 2017 Waiting times reduced
Review and update dementia pathway and post diagnosis support Review and proposals presented to LPG and OMT as required Vicky O’Reilly and? ? TBC September 2017 Revised pathway implemented
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A1.3 Improve the quality of Anticipatory Care Plans for High Resource individuals Jane ?
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Ensue HRIs at significant risk of hospital admission have a high quality ACP Identification of HRIs requiring an ACP
Jayne Lawrence Wynch GP’s AHP AND DN Leads November 2017 80% of HRIs at risk of being admitted to hospital have an ACP
Reduction in HRIs requiring unplanned emergency admission
Develop approaches to ACPs that makes best use of available resources including 3rd and independent sector Staff training and awareness raising involving 3rd and independent sector providers
Jayne Lawrence Wynch, Sam Stubbs and Ann Austin Staff , 3rd and independent sector providers July 2017 Practice is embedded across services.
Ensure ACPs routinely consider the need for guardianship and put in place arrangements for Guardianship / AWI where this may become an issue Requires a robust and equitable process in place.
All relevant staff briefed and aware of AWI / Guardianship criteria Jacqui Gallagher Staff Number of ACPs with guardianship increases
Reduced delays in discharge planning due to issues of consent or capacity
Further Develop discharge tracking and planning for patients admitted to GGC hospital care Team leads and CMS for GGC formulate and implement a robust pathway Jayne who do you want to give this to? GGC, CCH and Social Work July Improved retrieval from GGC beds and GGC discharge targets met
Area of Focus 2, Support people to live fulfilling lives in their own homes for as long as possible
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A2.1 Increase use of Tech enabled care to promote healthy lifestyle choices and self-management of long term conditions Jayne LW Green
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Increase the use of Tech enabled care for people with LT conditions Further awareness raising All Adult Care Team leaders Tech Team Quarterly Numbers accessing Tech enabled care increases by 25% each quarter
Develop opportunities to use Tech enabled care to improve maternity care Presentation to Maternity team By Tec Lead.
Options developed Lorna Low Mothers / Tech Team June 2017 Tech enabled care options in place and being used by pregnant mums
Develop options to use tech enabled care to support self-management of long term mental health conditions Options developed and tested ( test of change)
Options refined and rolled out Vicky OReilly MH team and Tech Team July 2017
Nov 2017 Tech enabled care used consistently by increasing number of MH patients – reduced crisis presentations/admissions
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A2.2 Shift resources from homecare budget to double the number of patients receiving re -ablement Jayne Lawrence Wynch
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Develop and present costed options to double re-ablement capacity to LPG and OMT Options presented to LPG
Options presented to OMT Caroline Baisley ECCT and OT lead ? April 2017
May 2017 Re ablement proposals approved and additional capacity secured
Implement approved proposals Establishment of enhanced re- ablement service Caroline Baisley ECCT and OT lead July 2017 Service established
Increase public and professional awareness of enablement Awareness raising presentations given to professional teams
Re-ablement leaflet available to professionals and public Caroline Baisley ECCT and OT lead Comms and Engagement , HCF April 2017 Awareness of re ablement increases
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A2.3 Reduce loneliness of our most vulnerable patients and service users Jayne Lawrence Wynch ?
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Develop a reducing Loneliness in Cowal action plan Plan developed Who to lead? Third sector, comms and engagement August 2017 Plan developed and approved
Implement reducing Lonelyness in Cowal action Plan Plan implemented Who to lead? Third sector, comms and engagement October 2017 Reducing loneliness in Cowal plan implemented
Area of Focus 3; Support unpaid carers to reduce the impact of their caring role on their own health and wellbeing
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A3.1 Carers are supported to maintain their own health and wellbeing Jayne Lawrence Wynch
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Develop a carers enablement service to ensure carers have the skills and knowledge to safely provide care for changing and complex needs Costed cares enablement model developed and options presented to LPG and OMT if required
Who? SW, DN. AHP’s and GP’s.
Carers Orgs Sept 2017 Proposals developed and approved
Carers routinely offered health promotion advice as part of any carers assessments Carers Health promotion pack developed
Training and development
Monitoring and reporting system developed Who? As above June 2017 Carers Health promotion pack developed
Staff confident to provide carers with health promotion advice
Implementation reported to LPG
Carers with LT conditions are identified and offered tec enable care or other heath advice as appropriate As A2.1 As A2.1 As A2.1
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A3.2 Professional and the public are aware of and supportive of carers and the role they play.
Jayne Lawrence Wynch
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Undertake an annual carers awareness events for professionals public and community groups “Think Carer- Cowal” Detailed proposals for Think Carers developed and presented to LPG.
Events held Who to lead SW, DN. AHP’s and GP’s.
Carers Orgs August 2017 Think Carer events held
Continue to undertake Young Carers awareness raising with relevant professionals Young Carers awareness raising undertaken Mags Todd SW, DN. AHP’s and GP’s.
Carers Orgs quarterly Awareness of young carers increases
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A3.3 Carers can access high quality flexible respite services Jayne ?
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Review the current respite care resource and realign to identified need Review report presented to LPG and OMT if required Jayne Lawrence Wynch SW, AHP, DN and carer orgs. Sept 2017 Report and recommendations provided to LPG
Increase the flexibility and personalisation of carers services in Cowal Options identified and presented to LPG and OMT if required Jayne Lawrence Wynch SW, AHP, DN and carer orgs. September 2107 Report and recommendations provided to LPG
Review the quality of carer’s assessments to include consideration of anticipatory care and crisis options. Review and improvement plan developed and presented to LPG Implemented for carers assessments improvement plan Jacqui Gallagher and ? Social care and ?? August 2017
Area of Focus 5 - support staff to continuously improve information, support and care they deliver
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A5.1 Improve the customer/patient satisfaction ratings provided to the HSCP Jayne Lawrence Wynch ?
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Patient satisfaction improvement plan developed and implemented Plan presented to LPG ?? ??? September 2017 Patient satisfaction indicators improves
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A5.2 Providing care – whether with the HSCP, 3rd sector or Independent sector is seen as a valued career choice
LMs ?
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Progress
Participate IN annual jobs fayre with partners to promote careers in care Job Fayre attended LMs to identify Schools , SDS May 2017 More young people see a career in care as a positive choice
Provide work placement options for DGS and Skills Development Scotland Work experience placements provided Hotel services manager and LAM Dunoon Grammar and SDS July 2017 Work experience provided – what should be a target?
Develop care based modern apprenticeships with in Cowal HSCP HSCP apprenticeships offered LAM and LM SDS and HR services December 2017 Target 3?
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A5.3 Staff are supported to develop their professional skills and expertise LMs
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
All professional staff have an annual appraisal ( EKSF or PRD) As action Line manager All staff April 2018 All staff have an annual PRD/EKSF
All staff have an annual professional development plan As action Line managers All staff April 2018 All staff have an annual professional development plan
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A5.4 Staff increase their awareness of and confidence in the skills and expertise of colleagues in other professional and across health and social care LMs
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Team leads and supervisors undertake 2 shadowing days a year with a colleague Progress report to LPG LMs Staff Oct 2017 &
April 2018 Improved understanding of inter professional roles and responsibilities
All new staff as part of their induction are offered shadowing opportunities with a health or social care colleague As action Line mangers/
supervisors Staff Reports Oct 2017 and April 2018 Improved understanding of inter professional roles and responsibilities
Area of Focus 6; efficiently and effectively manage all resources to deliver best value
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A6.1 Struan and Cowal Community Hospital redesign. Allen Stevenson
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
As detailed in paper by the HoS to April IJB Allen Stevenson The Community April 2017 Decision by the IJB Dec & Jan events completed. Feb arranged and leaflets to be distributed.
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A6.2 Out of Hours emergency services meets locality needs and represent Best Value
Allen Stevenson
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator
Review of Rural OOH service Plan to be developed and presented to LPG TBC April 2017 Sustainable and responsive service that meets the needs of the locality.
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A6.3 Services to support adults with a learning difficulty provide high quality care and represent Best Value LM
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Analysis of Cowal adults with an LD placed out area and those with high intensity locality packages to identify whether provision could be reviewed with a view to more effectively or efficiently provided locally. Report and proposals to LPG Gordon? LD SW, Nursing and psychology.
Current placements. August 2017 Initial report and proposals presented to LPG
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
A6.4 Rationalise current use of accommodation and maximise utility of available buildings and facilities
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Staff from Ellis Lodge and Struan Lodge finance and Admin move to CCH to Co locate with ECCT and CMHT Full cost analysis, including IT completed and presented to LPG and OMT Jayne LW David Ross Project Manager.
Allen Stevenson. HoS
Accountant. April 2017 All Adult Social Care staff have moved to CCH
Aggressively pursue options to co locate child health and social care team Costed Options paper to be presented to LPG and OMT Mark Lines David Ross Project Manager.
Accountant July 2017 Options for co-location of Children’s services identified
Transformational change T2. IT - mobile and agile working, digital channel shift
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
T2.1 Staff have access to reliable high speed Internet connections and can access host internet services and computer system from either council or NHS premises LM
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
Internet access and speeds is improved for CCH Costed proposals presented to LPG and OMT if required LM and ICT lead (TBC) Support services June 2017 Improved efficiency through better use of ICT
Transformational change 2 – GP services are enhanced through increased federation and premises are able to provide a wide range of primary health care services.
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
T2 Cowal GP redesign David Ross
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator Progress
GP redesign plan progresses As detailed in the plan David Ross and LM GP and Public Quarterly progress reports to LPG Improved primary health services through improved premises and GPs working more effectively together
Transformational change 3 Services are better integrated with a single point of contact
Objective Lead Completion date RAG status Comments
3 Establish an integrated children and families service Mark Lines
Proposed Action Milestone Tasks Responsible Person Partners to consult/engage Target Date Success Indicator
Develop options for an integrated child health and social care service for Cowal Proposals presented to LPG
Proposals presented to OMT
Options implemented Mark Lines Staff , Public and partner agencies October 2017 Improved integration of H&SC services for children
Evaluate option of repatriating CAMHs service and provision of consultant lead care as part on an integrated HSC children service Option paper developed and presented to LPG and OMT Mark Lines CAMHs October 2017 Improved access to CAMHS
Single point of contact established for tier 2-4 health and social care services in Cowal To be addressed in options paper above Mark Lines December 2017 Single point of contact established
Embed the Cowal Family Pathway as core services Extend and embed family pathway
Progress and impact reports to LPG Elaine McIntyre HSCP staff and families July 2017 and Feb 2018 80% of children starting P1 achieve developmental milestones