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Ardentinny Community Council

The Hydro Schemes Around Ardentinny- An Overview 2024

Ardentinny Renewables Trust (ART) was set up in 2017 with trustees elected from an initial steering

group of 20. There are seven current serving Trustees. ART receives monies from the hydro schemes

which the Trust manages for the good of the village and community benefit.

Four hydro schemes are now currently operational. The ART receive 5% of the operator’s income from

Schemes 1,3, and 4. Scheme 2 is on private land from which the ART receive a donation each year.


Revenue Stream Income commencements from the four schemes are as follows;

Scheme 1 Glen Finart – March 2018

Scheme 2 Drynain Burn - February 2019

Scheme 3 Cuil Burn - September 2021

Scheme 4 Schoolhouse Burn June 2022

Examples of how the ART distribute the monies received for the benefit of the community and the

village include;


Glenfinart Walled Garden which has received support to buy polytunnels and raised beds, plus

gazebos, garden furniture and picnic tables for events. A sit on mower for easier maintenance of the

site was also part funded. ART also part funded the repair and upgrade of paths in the Walled

Garden which allows better access to wheelchair users and those using walking aids.


Ardentinny Bowling Club has benefited from funding that allowed Bowling Green Repairs,

improvements to the clubhouse and the purchase of bowling equipment.


The Music Group has received support to purchase sound and projection equipment, ukeleles and



The Ardentinny Village Hall Management Team has had Internet and emergency Phone Service

installed thanks to support from ART. Previously, weak phone signals limited the ability to phone

emergency services from the Hall. This deficiency was identified by the Ardentinny Community

Emergency Team and was a key requirement of any implemented solution.

The Village Hall has also been supported in the purchase of Gazebos and Gas BBQs for use at

outdoor events and ART have assisted financially in exterior and interior painting of the building,

gutter replacement and the installation of a stage balustrade, purchase of tables and table cloths.

The Village Hall also benefits from low-cost electricity from the Cuil Burn installation.


Ardentinny Community Council has received funding to purchase a new notice board, and for

maintenance of a defibrillator. ART also contribute to the cleaning costs for the Church Car Park

Toilets which are part run by the Community Council.


Ardentinny Conservation and Heritage Group received funding to have planters placed at the Church

Car Park plus new feeders and feed for the hide, new bulbs for the village’s planters and poop bags

for the dispensers at the carpark.


Individual residents have been able to see their projects come to fruition thanks to funds from the

ART, these include; Installation of benches along the riverside walk and wall repairs at the Church Car

Park. ART also made a contribution to the purchase of bees and the equipment for honey production;

this setup is available for educational purposes to the local schools and other interested groups. ART

also part funded the purchase of two picnic benches sited near the Slipway opposite the Outdoor

Centre. Wheelie Bin Speed signs (20mph) through the village were also funded.


Scheme 1 – Glen Finart (operated by Hydrover)

This was the first of the schemes (built in 2016) and is located on the North side of the Larach at the

Baron Turner entrance to the forest. This scheme has three intakes and buried pipes run downhill to

the turbine house to drive a pair of turbines. The majority of the Trust’s income so far has come

from this scheme.


Scheme 1 – Glen Finart (operated by Hydrover)

This was the first of the schemes (built in 2016) and is located on the North side of the Larach at the

Baron Turner entrance to the forest. This scheme has three intakes and buried pipes run downhill to

the turbine house to drive a pair of turbines. The majority of the Trust’s income so far has come

from this scheme.


Scheme 2 - Drynain Burn (operated by Ross MacArthur)

This scheme is located at the north end of the village on the Drynain burn and was commissioned in


Scheme 3 – Cuil Burn (operated Cuil Burn Hydropower Ltd)

The Cuil Burn scheme was commissioned in the second half of 2020. A pair of intake points were

built, one on Cuil Burn and the second on Allt Mhill Odhair with a turbine house, pipework and the

cabling going to the Village Hall carpark. The turbine and generator are installed and electricity is

now being produced and going onto the National Grid. With the connection into the village hall, it

now has the benefit of discounted electricity from this scheme.

Scheme 4 – Schoolhouse Burn (operated Cuil Burn Hydropower Ltd)

Commissioned in February 2021, the Ardentinny Outdoor Centre now has the benefit of discounted

electricity from this scheme.

Tree felling work cleared a route for the pipeline. This was followed by construction of the two

intakes up near the bridge. After receipt of the pipework, the team welded them into longer lengths

which could be seen laid out by the trackside and they have since been buried. The turbine house

has been built just up the track from the village carpark and is connected to the grid.






Update of completed Hydro Scheme. Photos taken May 2016. The scheme is now up and running which is good news for the village. A trust has been set up, (Ardentinny Renewables Trust) into which any monies from the hydro schemes will be managed for the good of the village. 

Pylons taking power to main grid.

Pylons taking power to main grid.

The shed on the right contains the generators and the one on the left the electical switch gears.


Automatic control panels that regulate the water input and the power output.

                            Generator 1 showing water jet at base.


 Generator 2

                         Generator 1 & 2 and intake pipes (blue ones)

                                                                                                                                  Water outlet from the generator house

     The pipe work running over the stream. It is worth noting the way the walls have been blended in with the rocks in keeping with the environment.


One of the actual hydro collectors tucked away.


Looking on top of the hydro collector dam. the box on the left where the water passes into feed pipe and runs down the hill to the shed. The rest simply goes over the top and down to the right.

A closer look at the hydro collector. 

Thank you to Neil Robinson for the photos. 

The pictures show the turbine house and base for the transformer and the two catchment areas.
The scheme is in place apart from the transformer which SSE are waiting delivery from Australia.Once the transformer is in place and connected to the grid the scheme will be up and running
