Minute February 2019
Present; Neil Robinson, Bill Tierney, Jim Robinson, Alistair McLundie, Rob Bray
Others; Councillor Alan Reid, Eileen Connell, Ann Wilson
Apologies; PS Donald McKay, Bob Darracot (National Park), Aidan Doherty. Marian Norris.
Neil Robinson welcomed all to the meeting notice of the meeting. He apologised for the late notice of the meeting as there had been IT issues which had not been discovered until the last minute. He wished to thank those who had been able to send in a report despite the late notice. He reminded all that the meetings are recorded for the minutes and that any other recording equipment would require consent from those attending as per the Data Protection Act.
Declaration of Interest None
Police Report
Donald gave an update on the complaint made by a local resident about Police harassment. It was agreed that this matter is now closed. Neil will email the complainant with the decision.
6 incidents in Ardentinny.
1 x crime report - 1 male detained in custody for various road traffic offences including drink driving.
We had a successful capture of thieves who had stolen lead and copper from a dwelling house near to Ballochyle Farm, Dalilongart on the 6th January. This was following a member response to a Rural Watch Alert that I had sent out - evidencing the capability of the system. If we could continue to promote the sign up for Alerts at www.ruralwatchscotland.co.uk and spread the word that would be appreciated.
A five-month multi-agency campaign to highlight the reality of livestock attacks and trauma by dogs was launched on the January 8th at Penicuik House, Penicuik Estate, Midlothian by the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC). The aim of the campaign - "Your Dog - Your Responsibility” is to ensure dog owners understand the distressing nature as well as emotional and
financial impacts such incidents can have, not just on farmers but everyone having to deal with the aftermath. Any incidents in the area will be dealt with robustly.
Minute of December meeting
Proposed Alistair McLundie Seconded Bill Tierney
Matters arising from minute.
Treasurers Report
The balance remains the same as last meeting although there are a few cheques to go out which Bill is dealing with. Balance £2,239.37
Progress is being made with changing the bank signees and moving forward with digital banking.
All correspondence received has been distributed to all councillors with new action required apart from one from Dawnfresh which will be dealt with in AOCB.
Forestry Commission Report
National Park Report
Councillors Report
Due to the mix-up with the invitations, Alan Reid had a prior engagement but did manage to attend at the end of the meeting. He was given a run down on the issues that had been raised and discussed concerning A&B e.g. bin collections, road.
Actual Reality Report
Things all good here at the centre. Already had quite a few groups in this year already.
We have done x1 small area beach watch already with x1 school.
The winter weather hasn’t affected us too much.
Emergency Action Plan
Alistair has been in touch with A&B. It was agreed that the previous one which was in the process of being compiled was onerous and that a new version should be looked at to make it more workable. The emergency bag will be checked and included in the Emergency Plan.
Future meetings
A public meeting will be called in regard to the proposal if having a fish farm south of Ardentinny. More information will be given in AOCB
Delegates Reports
- Caucus These will be attended by Marian but to date there has been none held.
- Website This continues to be updated with CC business as does the face book page.
- Amenities. At the moment only Marian is cleaning and dealing with the toilets. It is proposed that approaches be made to the Renewable Trust for money to pay someone to do the toilets. It was acknowledged that the legalities etc would have to be looked into. This item is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
- Cowal Health & Social Care. At present there is no forum but it is hoped that this will be rectified when a new chairperson is found.
- Planning. Nothing affecting Ardentinny at present.
- Community Action Plan. Rob reported that some of the target areas have been met. One which requires work is Caring for the community which will continue to be looked at. As the current Action Plan will soon become out of date, he has contacted the NP to ask what the next step would be. At present there are no plans to have an Action Plan in its current form. He intends to find out more information for the future.
Renewables Trust. 2 of the new projects at School Burn and Coul Burn have had planning approved.
The 2 benches are now in place although the siting of one in particular is not satisfactory. Future projects perhaps need to have more supervision by the Renewables Trust to ensure that they are sited properly and in keeping with the village etc.
Ardentinny Village Hall No report
Ardentinny Community Trust No report
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group. Not a lot happening in Coronation Wood at the moment. There will be a general tidy up of the wood organised soon as well as a Beach Clean. Neil suggested that this could be included in the proposed newsletter that he is intending to compile. Marian continues to go up to the Bird Hide to fill up the peanuts. There needs to be a good bit of work required to be done to make it more accessible and welcoming. The Forestry Commission no longer supports this and has certain rules and regulations for lay people working in the area. The bridge on the path up to the hide has been badly damaged by the lorries clearing the infected larches,
The notice board should be completed by the end of February. Discussion as to whether there is the possibility of adding some form of lighting to it.
- The recycling bins from the village hall to Shepherds Point were not collected due to bad weather and road conditions. A&B has been contacted about this and residents informed that they would be collected tomorrow. (February 5th).
- A request for a grit bin to be placed near the village hall. Neil had already contacted A&B and they will deal with it.
Neil suggested that, should these types of concerns arise again, it may be best to contact A&B directly so that the issues can be dealt with straight away.
Alan Reid was made aware of these issues and will look into them.
- There has been correspondence from Dawnfresh Farming Ltd who is looking at the possibility of developing a fish farm, south of Ardentinny. They put in a scoping report to the National Park on Friday 1st February. The report will go out to stakeholders in the area for opinions. There will also be a consultation with the local community to gather information, opinions etc.
- Should anyone wish any further information please get in touch with any member of the Community Council?
- It was agreed that Ardentinny Community Council will arrange a public meeting for the community to find out more information. It is intended that this will be held before the next meeting, (Probably in March)
Date of next Community Council meeting Monday 1st April
AGM 7.00pm
Normal meeting 7.30pm