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Ardentinny Community Council







Present           Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson


Apologies        Stephen Johnstone,


Present           Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), PC Eddie McGonagall, WPC Tracy Miller, David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Neil Robinson, Adina Robinson, Norman Kennedy, Gordon Smith, Jim Robinson, Merle Ferguson.


Apologies        David McKenzie (National Park), P.C. Donald Mackay, Aidan Docherty (Actual Reality)


Declaration of Interest:                     Nil

The Convener informed that, any points for A.O.B. should be given to her in writing prior to the meeting.  These will be included in AOB depending on time commitment. She added that the evenings meeting would end at 9.30pm.

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held 2nd December 2014

Proposed:       Eileen Connell                        Seconded:       Val Kennedy    Minute accepted.

Matters arising;

Recent Open Day held to provide information from National Park on possible bye-laws and campsite proposals. As yet there has been no feedback from National Park.

Hydro scheme; Bill informed that Dennis wanted changes made to his response regarding the letter of apology sent to Ross McArthur. Dennis was not present at this point. Further discussion of this was halted to allow the police report to be given.

Police Report

One incident had been reported since the last meeting.  There were reports of several gun shots being heard in the Glenfinart area.  The area was checked and enquiries carried out in regard to stalkers in the area with a negative result.

To date, the winter period has been one of the quietest within the Cowal peninsula with regard to crime levels.

There is an opportunity to purchase signs from Rural Watch Scotland to offer identity to Ardentinny as being part of the scheme.  They are plastic signs and come with long cable ties for fitting to fixtures, i.e. - the entry signs to Ardentinny from both ends and/or notice board. Lochgoilhead have several of these signs in place if anyone has been there recently - example attached at foot of email.  Malcolm informed that he had already purchased some and needs help to get them put up.

Matters arising (continued)

Coulport:   Bill Williamson objected to the statement in previous minutes regarding the Community Councils political stance. He wished his objection to be minuted.

Emergency Plan:   An update was given highlighting future requirements prior to it going 'live'.

Data Protection:   After much discussion the Community Council will sign up to it at a cost of £35. Marian Norris has agreed to do this.

Road side stones:   Malcolm Bartley was informed that he had acted correctly in removing his stones and that the A & B council will be reviewing the situation throughout the village. Householders will be billed if it becomes necessary for the council workers to remove them or may face prosecution.

Dennis stated that he could not accept the minute as all his corrections had not been included. He was informed that the minute had already been approved prior to his arrival.

Bill spoke for Dennis stating that he felt there should be no need to apologise to Ross McArthur. As Bill had not been at the previous meeting, he had not been party to the discussion around this item.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

 Expenditure:   £25.00 Association for the protection of Rural Scotland.

 Income:           Nil

Bank Balance as at 20th January 2015:                    £1702.95

Confirmation had been received that the first 20 miles of travel is not covered by travel expense.

Secretary Report:      

The secretary reiterated the need for all persons concerned with requiring amendments to the minutes to have these in prior to the Pre Agenda meeting.  The time scales had been agreed at the October meeting.

Letter received in regard to election posters not being allowed on lampposts etc.  Bruce explained that this ban is no longer in effect.

Letter from Stephen Johnstone offering his resignation from the Community Council.  Val paid tribute to Stevie as he has been a long standing member of the community Council and had worked hard for the village.

Letter from Neil Robinson asking to be co-opted into the Community Council to offer his expertise in the 'Green energy field'.  (This was put to the vote and carried.).

The Convener agreed to write a letter of thanks to Steve Johnstone for his hard work and commitment to the community.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

Ardentinny 30mph.    Response from Paul Farrell, Roads Technical Officer. This section of road does not meet the standards for an extension to the existing 30mph speed restriction.     Bruce Marshall will ask for additional warning signs advising of pedestrians on the carriageway.

Bridge at Angle Cottage on C9.         A defect pointed out on the bridge by the resident in Angle Cottage.    This defect was first reported in 2009, and bi-annual inspections since then have shown no further deterioration, last inspection was on 23rd July 2014 and the next will be in July 2016.

Gairletter  Bridge       Councillor Marshall has asked for slow signs to be lettered on the road on the approaches to Gairletter Bridge.  He had requested last year that the road between Gairletter and Ardentinny should be resurfaced. It is hoped that this will happen when finances are available but may not be until the 2016 budget.

C9 Condition of Road                        There have been complaints about the surface of the C9 particularly on the straight road where the water is ponding on the running surface, and the fact that when we have heavy rainfall the ditches are not coping with the water and the road is flooded.

Dennis Gower asked about the 30mph speed limit as to what does the road/area need to be to qualify for a 30mph restriction.  Bill Williamson asked whether the community council agreed with the statement from the roads department.  Marian seconded this. All were in agreement that a letter of objection is drafted and sent to head of roads department.  Val agreed to do this.

Eileen informed that, as Sheena is no longer cleaning the toilets at the car park by the church, would A & B council be willing to maintain the toilets if a local person was found to continue with the cleaning. Bruce said that the council propose that communities run their own toilets. Suggestion was made that the person who is paid to clean the forestry toilets could be approached to carry out this duty. It was agreed that attempts would be made to find someone willing to do the job.

National Park Report:              Not available           

Forestry Commission Report:                        David Robertson gave the Forestry report.

He apologised that the clearing of sightlines had not taken place due to the long term absence of a trained staff member.

The tree at Soldiers Rock had been an ongoing concern and has been reported several times by Val Kennedy. Ian Adams had inspected this recently and agreed that it now needs removed. BT to be contacted to take down the power lines before this work can be carried out.

Merle Ferguson asked David Robertson about the hemlock on the beach which is causing concern due to being a danger to dogs. David informed that this is not Forestry responsibility.

It was agreed that newspaper coverage and posters already displayed should be adequate to inform dog walkers and no further action was necessary from the community council.

Actual Reality Report:                        Not available

Hydro Scheme: Marian Norris gave a report of the recent meeting held in the village hall presented by 'Hydrover' and their intent on possibly constructing 4 hydro schemes within the Ardentinny area on Forestry Commission land.  This scheme is at a very early stage and the company asked to meet with some of the residents to inform how the scheme worked. They were pleased that the people present were very aware of this information. It is intended that a public meeting will be held in May 2015 at which time the company will be able to give more details and answer any questions the residents may have. 

Bill Williamson challenged Val over the right to organise the meeting and choose the participants and why he hadn't been asked to attend.  The Convener explained that she had sent an email to all community councillors as well as people from all village organisations informing them of the meeting and reiterated that he could have attended if he wished.

Dennis felt that the whole village should have been informed.  Val explained that this was a preparatory meeting with no details of the scheme being forthcoming and the public meeting would be publicized.  Every household in the village had been leafleted to tell them that there was a hydro scheme proposal and they could find out more at this evenings meeting.

Bill asked that his objection to Val’s action is recorded.

Caucus meeting;         Marian reported that the caucus met with Tom Murphy, Head of Amenity Services when several areas of concern were discussed.  These included, sightlines, closure of toilets, dog fouling, play parks, car parking.  The points of this discussion were handed out to all community councillors.

Tom Murphy will write with a record of our entitlements as a village i.e. grass cutting, planting etc.

Role of the Community Councillor:

Bill Williamson stated that he wished the Role of Convener to be put on the agenda but was overruled and it was agreed that Role of Community Councillors would be the item. He felt that the visit led by the Convener to RNAD Coulport by 4 community councillors was undemocratic as he had not been asked to go.  Bill asked Malcolm for his opinion. Malcolm agreed but acknowledged that he was on holiday at the time.  The Convener explained to him how the situation had developed. It was highlighted that, as part of the role of Convener she has the right to arrange, attend and conduct meetings out with the community council and arrange for others to attend. Marian handed out to all community councillors leaflets explaining the role of a community councillor.

Planning:  A planning application has been submitted to the National Park for Holyns.  The 21 days for objections has passed although it is usually possible to continue to put in objections after this, Dennis asked why Val had not informed the community council of this application. Val provided the planning list she had received to emphasise that she had not been given the information.  Dennis suggested that a letter is written to the National Park to ask for an extension in the deadline for objections.

The remainder of the agenda could not be dealt with as time had been wasted by some community councillors disrupting speakers and raising points which had been dealt with and agreed at previous meetings. It had been stated at the beginning of the evening that the meeting would end at 9.30pm. Any outstanding items may be dealt with at the next meeting

Next meetings:

Pre-agenda Meeting                          Tuesday          24 March 2015 @ 7.30pm

Community Council Meeting            Tuesday          7th April 2015 @ 7.30pm

All community council meetings and Pre agenda meetings are open to the public.



ON TUESDAY 07 April 2015 AT 7.30PM


Present:          Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson, Neil Robinson


Present:          Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McKenzie (National Park), PC Walker Jones, David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Adina Robinson, Norman Kennedy, Merle Ferguson. Janette Reilly, Linda Naismith,  Tina Villiers, Mary Dodds.


Apologies        Aidan Docherty (Actual Reality)


Declaration of Interest:                     Neil Robinson, Dennis Gower and Bill Williamson, reference Item 14 (Complaint)

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held February  2015.

February minutes were adopted with amendments by Bill Williamson and Dennis Gower 

Proposed:       Marian Norris             Seconded:       Eileen Connell                       Minute accepted.

Matters arising;

Marian Norris commented on the previous Caucus meeting.  Regarding the resignation of Max Barr as the convener, and the appointment of Willie Lynch as the new convener, and the lack of communication from Tom Murphy A & B council detailing village entitlements regarding hedge/verge cutting.

Data Protection;  We have now subscribed to the data protection act and are now registered.

Police Report: PC Walter Jones reported on the following

11 incidents in the local area, 1 of which raised a crime report.  Extra patrols are being carried out during the holiday season.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

 Expenditure:   Mrs M Norris travel expenses                                   £29.70

                         Ardentinny Hall Association Hall rent                      £120.00

Income:           Administration Grant                                                £415.30

 Bank Balance  April 2015                                                       £1968.55

Secretary Report:      

Letter of concern was sent by Iain McInnes MBE regarding a confrontation between members of the Community Council and Community Trust/Walled Garden; the convener explained the reasons as to why a letter of apology was sent to Iain McInnes MBE.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

C9, the road from Blairmore to Whistlefield,  will not be resurfaced this year, roads manager was asked if he seen this road, yes he had and ditch repairs would be carried out as needed.

Tom Murphy had informed him that grass to be cut 6 X year.

There has been no update on speed limit throughout Ardentinny.

Toilets. Eileen reported on this.

A & B council are in agreement that the village can take over the cleaning of the toilets but a Minute of Approval has to be drafted and agreed on before this officially starts. A&B legal department are dealing with this.

National Park Report:                        David McKenzie reported on the following:

National Park - Your Park

The Your Park proposals cover three topics:

Additional camping facilities

Proposed new bye-laws

Areas where bye-laws will operate.

The public consultation ran from 13 October 2014 until 12 January 2015. The responses from the consultation are being analysed. Early indications are that responses, particularly from communities in the NP, were generally positive. Some amendments and adjustments to the original proposals are now being evaluated; a special Board meeting will be held on 27 April to approve the final proposals before these will be sent to Scottish Ministers in May.

National Park – Live Park

The Live Park proposal and consultation covered the development of the new Local Development Plan which will run from 2017 – 2022. The public consultation closed last year. A short additional public consultation was held to get views and comments on additional sites that had been proposed (none of these in the Ardentinny area). The input from these consultations has been analysed and a draft version of the new Local Development Plan will be considered at the special Board meeting on 27 April. Thereafter, the draft LDP will be released for further public consultation.

NP Personnel Changes

At the NPA Board meeting on 16 March, Willie Nisbet was elected Vice-Convenor of the NPA Board; Petra Biberbach was elected Chair of the Planning & Access Committee.

Forestry Commission Report:                        David Robertson gave the Forestry report.

The annual Easter egg hunt went well with approximately 400 people attended.  The Nursery field is to be fenced over the next few weeks with the possibility of leasing out for grazing. Questions were asked about ‘rights of way for the public who currently use it. FC to look into ‘rights of way’. Sight lines over the larach to be investigated and completed over the next 2 months. 

The tree at Soldiers Rock is to be felled in 2 weeks but FC are still waiting to hear when BT will be available to take down the phone lines to enable this to happen.

Actual Reality Report:                        Not available

Hydro Scheme:           Neil Robinson commented on the following:

5 Hydro schemes currently in progress or planning phase, 1 belonging to Ross Mc Arthur the remaining 4 belonging to Hydrover, steering group with 18 members has been set up with a public meeting to take place on 20th May

Defibrillator:   Roy Harrison reported on the following:

The defib is now in place and is fully operational, training is to be given soon by local paramedic to those who have raised an interest. Flyers to be sent around the community giving details on the defib.

Official Complaint

A complaint had been received by the Convener about behaviour and disrespect by 2 CC members at the meeting held on 3rd February.   The Convener reported that the complaint was also the view of the rest of the CC members, and therefore questioned the two CC members named in the complaint if they wished to apologise and give assurance that they would adhere to the Code of Conduct and respect the Convener and other CC members in future.   Having failed to gain these assurances, the Convener said that her remit went no further and she would be writing to the complainer.

Update from Village Hall       Eileen Connell reported on the following:

The Soup and Sandwiches have restarted and have once again been a great success .  The hall is shortly to be painted by the Community Pay Back Team, and there is to be investigation into looking at carrying out major refurbishment to the hall.

Update from Ardentinny Community Trust Dennis Gower reported on the following:

The Walled Garden is to be a 'working group' within the Trust.  The garden is now up and fully running through the summer period.  The Easter event was a successful day.  Councillor Marshall announced that the third sector trust had awarded the garden a sum of £1000.

Planning:  Nil

AOB     Merle Ferguson raised the issue about the Community Council and its role representing the community regarding HNAD Coulport.

Next meetings:

Community Council Meeting            Tuesday          02 June 2015 @ 7.30pm

All community council meetings and Pre agenda meetings are open to the public.





ON TUESDAY 02 June 2015 AT 7.30PM

Present:          Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson, Neil Robinson


Present:          Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McKenzie (National Park), PC McKay, David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Adina Robinson, Mary Dodds, Geoff Carr


Apologies        Aidan Docherty (Actual Reality)


Declaration of Interest:                     Nil


The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held April 2015.

Proposed:       Marian Norris             Seconded:       Eileen Connell                       Minute accepted.


Matters arising;


Bill Williamson stated that he had been in contact with A & B council concerning the official complaint and that he was dissatisfied with the way the convener had handled the complaint saying that she was "partial" and wished this to be minuted.

The tree at soldiers rock is still a concern, Convener to contact BT, David Robinson explained that the FCS are continually contacting BT and getting frustrated with their lack of response, Police Scotland are also raising concern regarding road safety.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following


            Expenditure:   Nil


            Income:           Nil

            Bank Balance  June 2015                                                       £1968.55

Malcolm requested an informal meeting with CC regarding expenses a date will be set. This was agreed.


Secretary Report:       Roy reported on the following;

Details received regarding notification of the SIFT meeting to be held at Kilmun hall 22 June 19.30.

Roy informed the CC that he had received an invite to the Queens Garden party on 01 July 2015.


Police Report:                         PC McKay reported on the following:

9 Incidents where reported none of which were crime related.  A new Chief Inspector Paul Robertson has taken up post.

Bill Williamson raised the concern of graffiti to an election poster with racist motives attached to the Village notice board and asked for advice; PC McKay informed him that if people felt they had been offended police Scotland would investigate further. The convener pointed out that the notice board was for Community Council business and that no political literature should have been placed on the notice board in the first place, Bill Williamson said that this was a ‘shameful’ comment, and asked for this to be added to the minutes.

The Convener mention the ‘Clyde off Site emergency plan’ the plan had been concluded and disseminated.  A & B council refer communities to see their web site for details, a link to the web site would be displayed on the notice board.


Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

Concern over the sightlines at Gairletter corner. The owner is content for the trees to be cut back as necessary.

A&B council have set up a new web site with information regarding the Social Partnership plan.  Health and Social Care integration has been put back until April 2016

National Park Report:                        David McKenzie reported on the following:

The ‘Your Park’ proposals regarding proposed bye-laws and camping management zones has been sent to the Scottish Government for approval on 21 June; we don’t know if and when they will be approved by the Minister. Live Park was approved on the 27 April and is now in consultation prior to Government approval.  Community action plan 1st draft completed any comments to be forwarded as required.

Forestry Commission Report:            David Robertson reported on the following

The nursery field fencing has commenced, there is no official right of way, however CC can apply for Right of Way if required, and the field will go out for lease to be used for grazing.  Looking at connecting the field to the mains water supply, to supply water for cattle and also to connect the toilets and offering the services to establishments along the proposed route. Rhododendron spraying is to recommence from Ardentinny towards Blairmore. Local residents have been informed by the FC. 

Roy asked who had responsibility regarding the dustbins on the beach as they get filled very quickly when campers use the beach, FCS have a contract to get them emptied.  FC to look into the situation.


Actual Reality Report:                        Not available

Caucus Meeting:        Marian Norris reported on the following:

Meeting to liaise with A & B council regarding the consistency of toilet provision in villages within the local area, parking issues and Knotweed concerns. Also the lack of sport pitches in the area. 

Knotweed Spraying:   Geoff Carr reported on the following:

He intends to conduct spraying in July, in 3 localities and that advisory notices will be posted in the area prior to spraying, indicating what chemical are to be used.  Bill Williamson questioned the spraying and mentioned he had heard a rumour that National park were to take on the responsibility, this was denied. He also questioned the spraying of private land. He was informed that the policy of Countryside trust and National park is to eradicate Knotweed whether on public or private land.  Bill Williamson questioned the monies spent on training and the way the convener acted.  The convener asked if CC members agreed with Bill Williamson's question?  The majority did not agree stating they were satisfied with how the process was carried out.


Rural watch;  It was decided after a vote of 6 for, 1 against and 1 abstention that the CC would purchase ‘Rural Watch’ notices at a cost of £40.95 to be placed on the perimeters of the village, PC McKay would source the notices.


Update from Village Hall       Eileen Connell reported on the following:

AGM was held the other week, there has been some major expense such as Hall insurance, purchase of 2 new cookers however money is tight.  No one from the community volunteered to form a new committee so a  management group was formed with the task of maintaining the upkeep of the hall, the Constitution had been updated to accommodate this.  In the long term the possibility of refurbing the hall is high on the agenda.

Bill Williamson asked what was the difference between a hall Committee and management  group? He was informed that the role of the group was to deal with the upkeep of the hall, ensure bills were paid and, will support the community to organise functions.  OSCR had been consulted and was content with the new procedure, provided the Constitution had been adjusted accordingly.

Dennis Gower asked if minutes of AGM will be circulated. He was informed that a flyer was to be circulated.


Update from Ardentinny Community Trust Dennis Gower reported on the following:

New PT gardener had now been employed on a contract.  The consultancy firm are interested in supporting the walled garden in the future; work in garden continues preparing for a wedding in July.  Funding and investigation into restoration of wall continues.

Neil Robinson asked for what other projects the CT has ongoing. Dennis informed him there were no other projects being carried out by the trust, due to manpower.

Neil Robinson asked when the next public meeting was to be held and would if it will be advertised.  He was informed that it would be.


Planning:  Nil

AOB:    The Convener asked CC members to consider the possibility of a CC website, she has been approached by an individual who would design one. CC members were asked for their opinions and report back at the next meeting.

All members are requested to submit any business for 'Any Other Business' at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting to allow time for any required preparatory action.

Next meetings:


Community Council Meeting            Tuesday          04 August 2015 @ 7.30pm

All community council meetings are open to the public.




ON TUESDAY 04 August 2015 AT 7.30PM


Present:          Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson, Neil Robinson


Present:          Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Adina Robinson, Mary Dodds,


Apologies        David McKenzie (National Park), PC MacKay


Declaration of Interest:                     Nil

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held April 2015.

Proposed:       Malcolm Bartley         Seconded:       Marian Norris             Minute accepted.

Matters arising;

The Convener explained the situation regarding the removal of the tree at Solders Rock and thanked David Robertson (FC) for his assistance.

Roy confirmed that the ‘Rural watch’ sign posts had been delivered and at a cheaper price than originally quoted and that the signs had been placed around the village along with the ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ signs.

David Robertson (FC) announced that he had completed a recce of sight lines over the Larach and work will begin Sept/Oct dependent in the weather.

The Convener reported that the Community Council website, as previously agreed was in the process of being built by Mr Clive McClure.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

  Expenditure:   Travel Expenses                                £35.00

                         D Menzies Audit Account                    £10.00

Income:           Nil

Bank Balance  as at 16 June 2015                                        £1923.55

Malcolm explained how the expenses would be worked out and the amount of 40pence per mile would be paid to community Councillors on official business.

Bill Williamson asked what was the overall cost incurred on Knotweed spraying?  He was informed that the overall cost was as follows: The community council paid for the training which cost £522. The equipment for carrying out the spraying in a safe and recommended way was paid for by sourcing and obtaining funding for that specific purpose.

Bill Williamson expressed concern that private land was being sprayed. It was explained that the National Park and the funding agency had been consulted about this and they stressed the importance of having both public and private land sprayed as knotweed has no boundaries.

Secretary Report:       Roy reported on the following;  Nil



Police Report:                         PC McKay reported on the following:


There have been 6 incidents since the last meeting:

Resulting in one crime whereby an intoxicated female was arrested for obstruction at Shepherd's Point.  Shepherds' Point has been monitored at the weekends but likely due to the poor weather, has been fairly quiet on the whole.  Sight lines due to vegetation are currently being actioned by the Council. Sight lines are not great at many locations either side of Ardentinny in a year that grass/weeds are growing abnormally fast.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:


The proposed ward boundary changes and the way it was being implicated and encouraged all those against it to express their opinions the details to be found on the council website. Marian Norris reported that the caucus is to have a meeting to make a combined protest about the changes and it is hoped that each community council and each individual will also make their protest. Marian will write on behalf of the community council.

There is a deadline  for Community Council elections for co-opted persons to get election paper work in.  Councillor Marshall informed the Community Trust they had been awarded £1600 grant however the grant of £2000 they had been awarded last year had not been used and they would have to pay it back.



Forestry Commission Report:            David Robertson reported on the following;


The planning of installation of mains water to the toilets is ongoing and local residents who may benefit in also being connected were to be approached.  A feasibility study of the site is to be analysed.  The septic tank at the toilets on the beach keeps getting blocked due to hand towels being thrown away therefore to eradicate this hand blowers are to be installed.  There is to be a harvesting plan from Gairletter forestry road to Kilmun Boundary in the near future. There have been no tenants signed up to use the nursery field yet. The installation of the water supply will take place in spring 2016.

Complaint Update:    The convener reported on the following;  All procedures carried out to deal with the complaint from a resident had been carried out correctly as reported by the governance department of A&B council. This procedure was carried out with the knowledge held at the time and, as there is no remit for complaining about the behaviour of a community councillor and, on advice from A&B, we must draw a line under the situation and move on. Also that the Code of conduct should be followed by all members in the future. (See attached appendices)

Bill Williamson stated that it was his view that the convener had been aware that community councillors cannot complain about each other and had instigated a conspiracy by having a “friendly visitor” placed in the meeting to attack him. He added that the convener had chosen the people whose opinion to ask and he singled out a member of the audience as being one of them.

Recording of minutes:

It was agreed that the Community Council meetings where to be recorded in the future to assist in writing the minutes. Malcolm Batley was to cost the purchase of a device by the next meeting.


The Annual general Meeting will be held on the 06 October 2015 commencing at 7pm followed by the main CC meeting.

Update from Village Hall       Eileen Connell reported on the following:

The hall recently helped to host a wedding for a member of the community, which went well.  Funding applications for the hall continues looking at gaining funds for a feasibility study of the hall.  The hall management group continue to run the hall in a professional manner.

Update from Ardentinny Community Trust Dennis Gower reported on the following:

The summer season has nearly passed with Glenfinart walled garden blooming nicely.  There have been fewer visitors than normal visiting the garden this year.  A wedding was held in the Garden which was very successful.  Fund raising continues with the aim of restoring the surrounding wall.

Hydro Scheme;           Neil Robinson was asked to give an update of the Hydro schemes:

The steering group had been established, involving 7 members with experience in these matters.  Ross MacArthur’s project was still going ahead.  The next AGM would be June 2016. The newly written Constitution would be on the Village Notice Board within the week for all to see.

Planning:         Notice Board adjacent to Coronation Wood on shore path had been approved.

AOB:    Bill Williamson complained that the Coronation Wood members had left branches on the beach and was therefore ‘Fly Tipping’ and asked that a letter be written to them informing them of this.  Roy agreed to formulate said letter and send it out.

 All members are requested to submit any business for 'Any Other Business' at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting to allow time for any required preparatory action.

Next meetings:

AGM                                                    Tuesday          06 October 2015 @ 7.00pm

Community Council Meeting            Tuesday              06 October 2015 @ 7.30pm


All community council meetings are open to the public.





Present           Val Kennedy (Convener), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower, Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris, Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer)

Apologies        Stephen Johnstone,

Present           Councillor Bruce Marshall Councillor, David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Neil Robinson, Adina Robinson, Norman Kennedy, Victor Sandall

Apologies        David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McKenzie (National Park), P.C. Donald Mackay, Aidan Docherty (Actual Reality)

Declaration of Interest:                     Nil

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meetings:

Minute of October Meeting:            

Proposed:       Valerie Kennedy                     Seconded:       Eileen Connell

Matters arising:

Roads report: Regarding the sightlines has been delayed until the spring once vegetation has grown back

Hydro: Dennis was asked on whose authority he had in making contact with the Forestry Commission concerning the proposed hydro system, without the backing of the Community Council.  The remainder of the committee deemed this was inappropriate and agreed that a letter of apology is sent to Ross MacArthur.  Dennis stated that he didn't want his name to be included in the signature block.

Community Action plan: There is to be a Community Action Plan (CAP) meeting @ 1pm on the 12 December.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

Expenditure:   £291.61 for the purchase of Knotweed spraying equipment

                         £36.00 Paid to the convener Mrs V Kennedy for expenses.           

 Income:           Nil

 Bank Balance as at 20th November 2014:                £1727.95

Secretary Report:       Nothing to report.

Police Report:             Not Available

However there has been a theft from Ardentinny Hotel, the community are advised to be vigilant.

Forestry Commission Report             Not available.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

The Village road sign 'Ardentinny' will be officially cleaned once a year.  He encouraged the community in trying to keep it regularly cleaned.

Speed limit through the village he has spoken to the Roads officer highlighting reasons as to why the 30mph speed limit should be introduced within the boundaries of Ardentinny.

The integration between the health and social care service, which is due to take place from April 2015 and how it would affect the community.

Self Direct Support (SDS), and what 4 options are available for service users, within the community.

Marine Protected Areas (MPA), to be introduced to protect marine areas on both Loch Fyne and Loch Goil, from aggressive fishing techniques.

There has been a customer service survey of Argyll and Bute council during the year 2013 not a great response, highlighted was the lack of communication from the council to the local population.

Victor Sandall raised the issue regarding the Gairletter Bridge, the lack of warning signage and limited vision. Councillor Marshall is to speak the owner of the caravan site about cutting tress back.

National Park Report:              Not available           

Actual Reality:                        Not available

Ardentinny Campsite:

There is to be a public meeting on the 10 Dec between 2 – 4pm to gets some community feedback with possible options for the community to consider.  Representatives from the Forestry Commission and National Park will be in attendance,

MOD Coulport;

Bill Williamson raised the question:

How are we as representatives of the community informing the residents about what is happening at Coulport?

The convener answered with the following statement:

We keep a good relationship with Coulport, and pass on all information given to us by them.

We receive and pass on warnings of any noise and activity to come as a result of exercises.

The means of giving warnings and passing on information could be reviewed e.g not just notice board - perhaps a series of emails to certain key members of the community?

it is not our job as community representatives to take any kind of political stance, or to report the individual opinions of newspaper reporters.

 Members of the community are fully able to read newspapers and to make their own representations if they feel it is necessary.

The convener explained to those present at the meeting about the recent visit to MOD Coulport by 4 community councillors and the questions that were asked on behalf of the village and the response received and how beneficial the visit had been.

Vince Sandall asked about the percentage rise in the release of gaseous emissions from RNAD Coulport, he was informed that although he was correct, it was a play on facts and figures and the percentage increase was less than the original amount.

Caucus meeting;         Marian Norris reported on the following:

Marian Norris reported on the Caucus meeting of Cowal and Bute Community Councils in November, and said how helpful she found it to work with other councils in the area for support and encouragement. Most councils send representatives, and there is a video link with Bute.

Discussed at the meeting were:

a) New Terms of Reference for Area Community Planning Groups with a representative from the Caucus group attending a Cowal group, so that Community Councils can play a more active role and improve the operation of Community Planning.

b) Car Parking; Dog Fouling; Public Toilets; Flowers and grass cutting; Japanese Knotweed and Parks and Play Areas – These had been raised at our request by a Caucus representative at the Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group but were not considered as the Council’s Amenity Services Manager, Tom Murphy offered to attend a Caucus meeting to discuss these matters more fully on 11th December. Marian will attend.

c)   Cowal Cycling and Transport Initiative – The vision would be a cycle route from Toward right round to Ardentinny. The Chairman reported that he now has a copy of a BID Group funded report from a Tourist Consultant organisation. Money for cycling infrastructure is scarce and the assumption is that our only likely source would be Lottery grants. We are currently investigating what is involved in this process and how we can work together to facilitate the cycling route.

d} The chairman is to request clarification on the procedures for claiming travel expenses for community councillors.

Defibrillator Update: Roy Harrison reported on the following

A total of £2264.00 had been raised towards the purchase of a Defib and a cabinet to place it in, both items to be purchased shortly, the cost to be £2060.00.


Update from Village Hall

Roy Harrison gave an update regarding the recent Consultation day and that the attendance from the community had been good and that there were a lot of positive ideas and there would be a second consultation day next year.  The recent Race Night had been a good success, and that a NPA grant had been submitted by the Community trust on behalf of the Village Hall Association, hopefully to gain some funding for a new cooker.

Update from Community Trust

Dennis gave an update on the Community Trust particularly about the Walled Garden and the forthcoming consultation/public meeting taking place on the 17th December.


The Convener raised the issue about members of the community wishing to raise any matter for discussion to be put in writing prior to the pre agenda meeting therefore giving the Community Council time to research and to come up with any considerations if needed.

Malcolm Bartley asked Councillor Marshall about the ‘Road corridor’ the fact that he has obeyed the letter he received from the roads department, and feels that Ardentinny has been  unfairly victimised.  Councillor Marshall tried to explained the reasons why certain criteria’s had been imposed.

Dennis Gower asked how the Community Emergency Plan was coming together, and he was informed that it is still in the planning stage but there will be a more concise report at the next Community Council meeting.

The question regarding Data Protection was raised and it was decided that more would be researched about it prior to the next meeting.

Meeting Ended

Next meetings:

Pre-agenda Meeting                          Tuesday          27 January 2015 @ 7.30pm

Community Council Meeting            Tuesday          3rd February 2015 @ 7.30pm

All community council meetings and Pre agenda meetings are open to the public. 
