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Ardentinny Community Council

Agenda January 2020



The meeting will take place in on 06 January in Ardentinny Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

This is a public meeting to which you are invited to attend.

The meeting will be recorded for the minutes.





Apologies and Declaration of Interest.                                                   

Police Report                                                        

Minute of last meeting                                                                

Matters arising from minute                                                       

Treasurers Report                                    


Forestry Commission Report                                                                   

National Park Report                                                                               

Councillor’s Report                                                                                  

Actual Reality Report       

Dawn Fresh proposal and update

Update regarding the AFF activitys

Emergency action Plan update (Alister)

Amenities (Community Toilets)(NR)

Future meetings.

Delegates Reports. (Caucus (MN), Website (EC), Cowal Health & Care Forum (EC), Planning (JR) Community Action Plan (NR to ask for someone to take this up),          

Updates.  Ardentinny Renewables Trust,

 Ardentinny Hall Management Team,

 Ardentinny Community Trust,(Walled Garden)

 Ardentinny Conservation and Heritage Group.


Village Defibrillators (JR)

Road Safety At Ardentinny Hotel Corner (BT)

Mention the mailing list and more news going out over this method, everyone to get more people signed up so that minutes and other information can be more widely distributed: NR

Date of next meeting.


