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Ardentinny Community Council

Minutes of Meetings 2015


 Minutes of meeting held 1st December 2015

Present;                      Roy Harrison (Convenor). Marian Norris (Vice Convenor), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell (Secretary), Val Kennedy, Dennis Gower, Bill Williamson.

Apology:                     Neil Robinson.

Representatives;        Bruce Marshall (Councillor), P.C. Donald McKay. Lorna Alquist.

Apologies;                   David McKenzie (NP), David Robertson (FC)

Members of Public;    Sandra Tweddle, Brian Tweddle, Mary Dodds, David McDowall.

The convenor thanked everyone for coming and asked if anyone had a Declaration of Interest. Bill asked why Mrs Adina Robinson had attended the annual Gathering held by the Community Partnership as a member of the community council. It was explained that there had been an error and that she was actually representing the Village Hall Management Team. This had been addressed at the Gathering with one of the organisers with assurances that it would be rectified for future events. Bill stated that he wished the secretary to send a formal letter to the Community Partnership pointing out that Mrs Robinson is not a community council member. This was agreed.

Police Report

P.C. McKay informed that there had been 3 incidents in the last 2 months, 2 of which had resulted in a crime report.

One of these was the discovery of  cannabis cultivation in a caravan on Glenfinart Caravan Park.

Another was the theft during October and November of electronic equipment from  Glenfinart Caravan Park. There are ongoing investigations regarding both of these incidents.

Road safety campaign going on just now emphasising to drivers to ensure that their vehicles

are properly maintained for the weather conditions and that they take heed of driving conditions through the winter months.

Bill asked P.C. McKay what responsibility should a person who found a boat washed up on the shore during a storm have if they wanted to take it. P.C.McKay advised that they should report it to the police who will make attempts to find the owner. Bill asked if the person does not do that are they a thief? P.C. McKay answered that it would be dependent on the intent of the person to deprive the owner of the item and a complaint would need to be forthcoming from the owner.

Minutes of last meeting.

Roy asked if everyone had read the minutes and if they were an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed        Marian Norris                                     Seconded        Val Kennedy

Matters arising from Minutes

Flytipping        Eileen reported that, as requested, she had written to herself as a volunteer in the Conservation & Heritage Group about branches which had been left on the shore. The letter had been passed to all community council members. Bill requested that the Conservation & Heritage group reply to this.

TV Reception After investigation on the Oftel website their does not seem a lot to be done. Suggestion made that perhaps it would be beneficial to find out if there are other people in the village who are experiencing problems and a letter then sent to the BBC outlining this.  This was agreed.

Notice board

Marian reported that she has investigated various styles and prices with some of the prices being between £1,500 and £2,000. It was suggested that the Community Council apply for the Community Partnership funding grant which is now available and could do this in partnership with the Community Trust. There is still to be further discussion and investigation whether there should be a new one bought or the existing one extended.

Bruce advised that the Awards for All may be another possibility for funding.  It was agreed that we would look at all funding streams.

Dennis advised that there could be a joint application made with the Community Trust for the notice board.

Dennis asked for an amendment to the October minute as he considered that it should have been recorded that Mr McGinty was unsatisfied with how the CC dealt with his complaint and left the meeting. A suggestion was made that a vote be taken to send a letter of apology to Mr. McGinty. A vote was taken  1 for 6 against.

Dennis asked that some amendments he had requested be considered. He was informed that there was no further time allocated for this.

Treasurer’s Report

Expenditure                £126.00                       Income            Nil

Bank balance                £1,668.88

Update regarding business insurance for community council use. The Treasurer advised that community councillors should ensure that they have Business 1 insurance for their cars. This is usually free.


Malcolm had been in touch with the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland to ask their views on the boundary changes which will affect Cowal.  They were not aware of the boundary changes and advised that they were supportive in being against the changes. Marian asked if those who had sent in objections to the proposal had received an acknowledgement. Individuals who had sent objections had received one but as yet there has been none to the Community Council.

National Park. David McKenzie was unable to attend but sent the following report

 Live Park is the proposed new Local Development Plan for the National Park. The proposals were approved by the NP Board at their October meeting and have now been sent to Scottish Ministers. A reporter will be appointed to review any remaining issues and to modify as required. It will then be sent for approval to Scottish Ministers.

The National Park Authority has won two prestigious awards for innovation in planning at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning (SAQP) ceremony held at The George Hotel in Edinburgh on 10 November 2015.

The Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning are one of the Scottish Government's most prestigious events and celebrate achievements in planning, from strategic visions to development on the ground.

The National Park Authority won the Overall Award of the night for an innovative approach to consultation on the LIVE Park (Local Development Plan) Main Issues Report and won the Award in the Development Management category for its work in supporting the delivery of run-of-river hydro-electric schemes.

Your Park – proposed new NP camping management zones and bye-laws are still with Scottish Ministers awaiting approval.  

The vacancy for an elected member on the Board representing Ward 2 – Breadalbane and the Trossachs - has been filled following an election on 29 October. 7 candidates stood and the successful candidate is Billy Ronald from Crianlarich.

A new 4 part TV series on Channel 5 features the scenery of the National Park. The first episode was on Tuesday 10 November and further episodes will be on subsequent Tuesdays.    

Councillor’s Report

Roads. Bruce reported that the condition of the Ardentinny road continues to cause concern especially the part known as the straight road. He intends to ask that, within the coming budget the road from Stronchullin to Ardentinny is upgraded but this may not happen as there are many other roads also needing attention.

Bruce was asked if, as it is a bus route should there be more attention paid to the condition of the road.  Bruce informed that there are 3 new buses being used by West Coast Motors and it is hoped that they are more robust to deal with the present condition of the road.

It was advised that road users should continue to put pressure on the authority by informing of the state of the roads, e.g. potholes etc. Kevin McIntosh is the new contact  for the roads in this area.

General Enquiries      01546 605522

Roads                          01546 605514

Complaints                 01546 605516

At the Area Meeting it was reported that there had been an increase in reports of dog fouling. Bill wished it to be included in the minute that he considers he has been targeted by dog owners as there have been bags of dog excreta left hanging on a small grass cutter which he had outside his garden. Bruce informed that a poster has been produced to highlight the problem of fouling and it was suggested that Community Councils could perhaps help to purchase more of the posters.  Bill asked whether dog fouling is an offence on both private and public land. Bruce said there was no differentiation.

Some residents have raised concerns to Bruce in regard to the situation past and present at Glenfinart Caravan Park. Bruce intends to refer it to the A&B council who provide the licence for the park.

There has been a good response from residents against the proposal of boundary changes in the Cowal area.  February is the date given for any further decision.

Bruce was asked if, as a new family with a school age child has moved in to Sligrachan would there be a change in the bus timetable to provide a service for the new family. Douglas Blades is aware of this. West Coast Motors are of the opinion that the existing turning circle at Sligrachan is too small for the buses used on that route.  At a previous meeting it had been agreed that, if another family with school age children moved in to any of the houses at Sligrachan the service would be re-instated.

Malcolm again brought up the condition of the road at the Larach where the large lorries are coming out from the quarry. Malcolm felt that this could result in major damage to the road.

Integration of Health & Social Care

Lorna Alquist gave a presentation on how the integration plan has worked up until this point and how the process should develop.  The integration should be completed by April 2016.  It is intended that the integration will make access to health and social care a smoother transition for those who may need the services. There will be 7 local planning areas instead of the existing 4 which will help the service to be available in the rural areas rather than based entirely in the more populated areas. One of the areas which have been successful is providing more classes such as fall prevention classes etc, exercise classes etc.

There is a Strategic Plan which can be accessed. Also there is Vision 2020 looking at what they want to achieve by 2020. Although the consultation period has ended it is still important that people put in their opinions. 

If Ardentinny would like to have a consultation to give all local residents the chance to find out more about the changes and future expectations Lorna is willing to provide this.

Community Council  Website.

Eileen gave the information requested about the annual costs for the website.

£24.95 to Spanglefish            £18.00 to Calico

Dennis questioned why there were not more sets of minutes on the website. Eileen stated that it is the intention that more historical minutes will be put on the site at some point. Dennis suggested that there could be a link from the Ardentinny CC website to the A&B website. This was agreed.

Malcolm had been in touch with Area Governance to ask how long the copies of accounts should be kept. He was informed 5 years.

Roles of Community Councillors

Roy congratulated Val and Dennis on receiving silver awards from the Community Partnership.  He informed that there have been 3 silver awards in the village in the past 2 years which shows the village in a good light.

Roy had been attending other CC meetings and wishes to put some of their ideas into practice with Ardentinny CC. One of these was asking that each individual councillor take on a responsibility for different subjects and report back regularly to the community council.  His suggestions were

Marian            Caucus meeting, Community Action Plan, Emergency Plan                        Agreed

Malcolm          Treasurer                                                                                            Agreed

Eileen              Website, Amenities, Emergency Plan, Community Action Plan      Agreed

Neil                 Green Issues. Environment                                                               TBA

Bill                   Roads  (Bill wished Flytipping  & Dog fouling to be added)

Dennis Planning                                                                                                          Agreed

Val                   Coulport                                                                                             Agreed

Roy                  Community Resilience                                                                       Agreed

Roy will give Neil and Bill the opportunity to consider whether they wish to accept their allocated responsibilities and email them for their response.

Bill asked if he takes the responsibility on the 3 subjects will that take away responsibility from Bruce. He is going to consider whether he is willing to take on the responsibilities.

Council Cuts

Marian asked if all were in agreement with her compiling a response from the Ardentinny Community Council in regard to the proposed cuts by A&B council.  The details of the cuts have already been made available to the public in several ways and there is the opportunity to put in individual responses. It was agreed that Marian would compile a response from Ardentinny Community Council and send it to all community councillor’s for approval before it is sent to A&B Council.


There had been a planning application for work to be carried out at the sites up the glen identified by Hydrover as part of the proposed Hydro scheme sites. Notification of this had been displayed on the CC notice-board.

Ardentinny Village Hall

The Bridge Club and the Art Club have both folded. Both of these had become more reliant on members from outside the village. There was a successful 60’s curry night. Events over the next few weeks are; Christmas buffet, Children’s party, Quiz night, Hogmanay party. We are hoping to have the hall painted by the Community Payback team in the spring. Funding investigation continues.

Ardentinny Community Trust

A successful Harvest Fair was held which raised between £1400-£1500. The next job will be restoring the wall.  The gardener has held several successful master classes. The garden is now closed for the winter. 

There is now a new Convener and Treasurer.  The next part of the project will be to raise funding for the restoration of the wall.

Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group

Marian reported on this. Very little work will be going on in the Nature Trail until the spring other than taking up peanuts to feed the squirrels. There was a day planned when the NP volunteers came to clear more ditches but the weather made it too dangerous to go up the trail.  We had a couple of tabletops sales to raise funds for projects.  The notice board has still to have the interpretation boards fitted.

Bill asked how the group is funded and whether it has office bearers. It was explained how the group operates. 


Time frame for items for the agenda/AOCB.  Discussion and clarification of what had been  agreed at a previous meeting in regard to the timeframe of putting forward items from the CC and residents.  

Community Development Plan.   Dennis referred to an email received by him from Area Governance.  As the rest of the community councillors were unsure which email he was referring to a request was made that he locate the email and send it to all councillors.

Coulport         Dennis suggested that it should be the Convener who is the liaison with  Coulport.  The convener asked if all agreed with Val continuing as liaison with Coulport. Bill was against this. He asked that any communication between Val and  Coulport is in writing.  This was an individual request.

The meeting was closed by the convener..

Next meeting TBA



Adopted Minute of meeting held 7th October 2015

in Ardentinny Village Hall

Present;          Roy Harrison (Convener), Marian Norris (Vice Convener). Eileen Connell (Secretary), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Val Kennedy, Bill Williamson, Dennis Gower.

Apology;         Neil Robinson.

Present;          David MacDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Vicky Fairley, Dougie Menzies, Gerry McGinty, David Robertson. Bruce Marshall

Apologies;       David McKenzie, P.C. Donald McKay.

Roy Harrison thanked everyone for attending and informed that the meeting would be recorded for the minutes.

Declaration of Interest.                                             None

The convener asked if anyone had anything for AOB (item 14 the agenda) with a reminder that it had been agreed that such items should be declared preferably 2 weeks before the meeting but at least prior to the meeting.

Marian wished the Caucus meeting which she had attended that afternoon to be included in AOB.

 Bill Williamson put forward an item but refused to inform the Convener what it was about.

Matters arising from the minutes.

CC website. Eileen reported that the website is now “live” and that she has volunteered to be administrator for this. It will be an ongoing process and will be beneficial for people to access minutes, agendas etc.

Bill raised several concerns he had about the site and also wished to know what the annual costs would be. Malcolm confirmed that the administration grant would be available for these costs. It was agreed that Eileen would find out what the annual costs would be for the next meeting.

Complaint Marian raised a concern she had from the last meeting which she wished minuted. This was in regard to a comment made by Bill Williamson. He had said “You knew you could not complain about me so planted a friendly visitor in the audience to do it for you”. She stated that she found this comment offensive and she and other members of the CC refute this and she requested that Bill apologise to the community council members.

The reply from Bill was “I have no response”

Dennis added that he did not feel insulted by the comment made by Bill.

This was not the view of the other members.


Roy explained that he had investigated the legalities of flytipping and the results were that flytipping of such materials were not classed as illegal hence he did not consider it necessary to send a letter. 

Travel expenses.

Dennis asked for clarification of the mileage for travel expenses. This had been clarified at a previous meeting that the first 20 miles were not claimable.

Amendment to minutes. 

Dennis asked for several amendments to the minute of last meeting.

Adoption of August minute,

Proposed                    Eileen Connell                                    Seconded        Val Kennedy

Bill asked that it is minuted that he did not agree with the procedures set out by the convener.

Treasurer’s Report

Malcolm gave his financial report.

Income                                                            Nil

Expenditure     Rural Watch signs                 £28.00

                        Transport /admin costs         £80 07

                        Scottish Rights of Way           £20.00

                        Balance in Bank                      £1794.88

He informed that the Governance Department are getting back to him about Travel insurance.

Secretary’s Report.

Information on the competition for Scotland’s Tree of the Year. Votes needed for the Giant Redwood at Benmore.

Information on the road works on the A83 near Campbeltown.

Police Report

There have been 4 incidents in Ardentinny since the last meeting, none of which have resulted in any crime.

Shepherds Point has been given extra supervision during the pleasant month of September during routine patrols and also as part of Operation Ironworks. On the whole, campers were respectful of the area and presented the Police and Forestry Rangers with little cause for concern.

Rural Watch is currently being given fresh promotion, due to an increase in rural thefts and also with wildlife crime being one of Police Scotland’s’ priorities. Constituents are reminded and welcomed to affiliate themselves to the scheme via the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland website, enter personal details and search for COWAL EAST for which I am the co-ordinator.

The Mobile Police Office is back on its rounds again and should be in Ardentinny on alternate Thursdays.

Councillors Report

Councillor Marshall outlined some of the proposed cuts which may affect the village. The decisions on these proposals will be February of next year.

The boundary changes will have a major effect on Cowal as well as Ardentinny. Kilmun have developed a petition and asked that Ardentinny CC support this and also contact the Boundaries Commission individually. Councillor Marshall felt that there has to be representation from all CC’s to prevent the changes taking place.

Marian Norris took the opportunity to report what had been discussed on the subject at the Caucus meeting she had attended in the afternoon. It appears that the initial meeting about this was held in secrecy by A&B council. The Chair of the Caucus has written a strong objection and urges that all CC’s write with their objections. Councillor Marshall explained the process that led up to the changes being proposed.

Marian suggested that, as a CC we should compose a letter and all take an area of the village to distribute. This was agreed by 6 members with one who refused to be involved.

Bill asked Councillor Marshall about whether leaving branches on the shore was illegal. Councillor Marshall stated that it was in his opinion that this was the case.

Malcolm asked why the single track roads around Lochgilphead, Tayviallach were maintained to a much higher standard than in the Ardentinny area. Also that he had read a report that BEAR had been taken to court for defrauding the council.  Bruce had no knowledge of this.

Forestry Commission

David Robertson reported that the clearance of the sightlines on the Larach should be taking place in first week of November. Traffic management will be in place.

Dennis asked if there had been any progress with the installation of mains water. David Robertson stated that there has been no major progress and that all residents involved have been informed. There is no date for installation.

Community Council Notice board.

Val informed that the notice board is showing signs of wear & tear. She suggested that we investigate replacing this with one which will be more appropriate for the needs of the village. It was agreed that we will look at designs and prices and bring it to the next meeting.

Gerry McGinty objected to his notices being removed from the board. Marian stated that the only notices which had been removed by the CC were those including a political activist group logo. She confirmed that no subsequent notices which did not contain the logo had been removed by the CC but may have been removed by other residents of the village.

Community Council Action Plan

Marian gave thanks to those who had been involved in producing the Action Plan. It had been suggested that the progress of the plan is discussed at CC meetings and that she will write to the other 4 organisations involved, i.e. Ardentinny Hall Assoc, Ardentinny Community Trust, Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage group, Ardentinny Renewables Trust to take part in the monitoring of the plan.

All agreed.

Ardentinny Hall update.

 It is intended that a feasibility study, structural survey and architects plan will be carried out as the start of the process to refurbish the hall. A company has been identified who can carry out this part of the project. It seems to be working with small groups organising events. Eileen informed what events will be taking place over the next few weeks.


Ardentinny Community Trust

Held a successful Harvest Fairwhich raised between £1400-£1500. The next job will be restoring the wall.

Dennis is standing down as Treasurer and this role is being replaced by Jeannie Rowland. Dennis was asked who the convener was. The new convener is Anna Williamson.

Ardentinny Renewables Trust

A committee has been set up from the steering group

Convener                    Dougie Menzies

Vice Convener            Rob Bray

Secretary                     Neil Robinson

Treasurer                    Bill Tierney

The planning application has been sent to National Park. Plantlife Scotland raised concerns about mosses which are at the site but have agreed that the project can go ahead.

The feed in tariff has been cut by 40% which impacts on the money which comes to the village. It is hoped that work will start at the beginning of next year.

Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group

Work will be starting to put in steps from the main road into Coronation Wood. No other major work is intended until nearer spring.

Marian reported on the Nature Trail and the work which has been carried out e.g painting the hide, pulley system for bird feeding, clearing ditches. FC volunteers helped to strim the paths. One area which needs specific work is the bridge which needs upgrading. Laird’s grave has been cleared and bark put round the outside to make it more accessible. We are investigating whether we meet the criteria for help to restore the stone.


No applications



BW asked that the secretary write a letter to the group involved in Coronation Wood to ask that the branches on the beach be removed. This was agreed.

Water discolouration

MB asked if there had been any reports of brown colouration in the water. It was suggested that he could contact Scottish Water regarding this.

TV Reception

Some homes have been concerned that their television reception has declined. It was agreed that the secretary will contact BBC to inform them that the licence payers are concerned at the lack of service.

Next meeting Tuesday December 1st.

The convener closed the meeting.



ON TUESDAY 04 August 2015 AT 7.30PM


Present:          Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson, Neil Robinson


Present:          Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Adina Robinson, Mary Dodds,


Apologies        David McKenzie (National Park), PC MacKay

Declaration of Interest:                     Nil

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held April 2015.

Proposed:       Malcolm Bartley         Seconded:       Marian Norris             Minute accepted.

Matters arising;

The Convener explained the situation regarding the removal of the tree at Solders Rock and thanked David Robertson (FC) for his assistance.

Roy confirmed that the ‘Rural watch’ sign posts had been delivered and at a cheaper price than originally quoted and that the signs had been placed around the village along with the ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ signs.

David Robertson (FC) announced that he had completed a recce of sight lines over the Larach and work will begin Sept/Oct dependent in the weather.

The Convener reported that the Community Council website, as previously agreed was in the process of being built by Mr Clive McClure.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

            Expenditure:   Travel Expenses                                         £35.00

                                    Mr D Menzies Audit Account                        £10.00

            Income:           Nil


            Bank Balance  as at 16 June 2015                                        £1923.55

Malcolm explained how the expenses would be worked out and the amount of 40pence per mile would be paid to community Councillors on official business.

Bill Williamson asked what was the overall cost incurred on Knotweed spraying?  He was informed that the overall cost was as follows: The community council paid for the training which cost £522. The equipment for carrying out the spraying in a safe and recommended way was paid for by sourcing and obtaining funding for that specific purpose.

Bill Williamson expressed concern that private land was being sprayed. It was explained that the National Park and the funding agency had been consulted about this and they stressed the importance of having both public and private land sprayed as knotweed has no boundaries.

 Secretary Report:       Roy reported on the following;  Nil

Police Report:                         PC McKay reported on the following:

There have been 6 incidents since the last meeting:

Resulting in one crime whereby an intoxicated female was arrested for obstruction at Shepherd's Point.  Shepherds' Point has been monitored at the weekends but likely due to the poor weather, has been fairly quiet on the whole.  Sight lines due to vegetation are currently being actioned by the Council. Sight lines are not great at many locations either side of Ardentinny in a year that grass/weeds are growing abnormally fast.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

The proposed ward boundary changes and the way it was being implicated and encouraged all those against it to express their opinions the details to be found on the council website. Marian Norris reported that the caucus is to have a meeting to make a combined protest about the changes and it is hoped that each community council and each individual will also make their protest. Marian will write on behalf of the community council.

There is a deadline  for Community Council elections for co-opted persons to get election paper work in.  Councillor Marshall informed the Community Trust they had been awarded £1600 grant however the grant of £2000 they had been awarded last year had not been used and they would have to pay it back.

Forestry Commission Report:            David Robertson reported on the following;

The planning of installation of mains water to the toilets is ongoing and local residents who may benefit in also being connected were to be approached.  A feasibility study of the site is to be analysed.  The septic tank at the toilets on the beach keeps getting blocked due to hand towels being thrown away therefore to eradicate this hand blowers are to be installed.  There is to be a harvesting plan from Gairletter forestry road to Kilmun Boundary in the near future. There have been no tenants signed up to use the nursery field yet. The installation of the water supply will take place in spring 2016.

Complaint Update:    The convener reported on the following;  All procedures carried out to deal with the complaint from a resident had been carried out correctly as reported by the governance department of A&B council. This procedure was carried out with the knowledge held at the time and, as there is no remit for complaining about the behaviour of a community councillor and, on advice from A&B, we must draw a line under the situation and move on. Also that the Code of conduct should be followed by all members in the future. (See attached appendices)

Bill Williamson stated that it was his view that the convener had been aware that community councillors cannot complain about each other and had instigated a conspiracy by having a “friendly visitor” placed in the meeting to attack him. He added that the convener had chosen the people whose opinion to ask and he singled out a member of the audience as being one of them.

Recording of minutes:

It was agreed that the Community Council meetings where to be recorded in the future to assist in writing the minutes. Malcolm Batley was to cost the purchase of a device by the next meeting.


The Annual general Meeting will be held on the 06 October 2015 commencing at 7pm followed by the main CC meeting.


Update from Village Hall       Eileen Connell reported on the following:


The hall recently helped to host a wedding for a member of the community, which went well.  Funding applications for the hall continues looking at gaining funds for a feasibility study of the hall.  The hall management group continue to run the hall in a professional manner.


Update from Ardentinny Community Trust Dennis Gower reported on the following:


The summer season has nearly passed with Glenfinart walled garden blooming nicely.  There have been fewer visitors than normal visiting the garden this year.  A wedding was held in the Garden which was very successful.  Fund raising continues with the aim of restoring the surrounding wall.


Hydro Scheme;           Neil Robinson was asked to give an update of the Hydro schemes:


The steering group had been established, involving 7 members with experience in these matters.  Ross MacArthur’s project was still going ahead.  The next AGM would be June 2016. The newly written Constitution would be on the Village Notice Board within the week for all to see.


Planning:         Notice Board adjacent to Coronation Wood on shore path had been approved.


AOB:    Bill Williamson complained that the Coronation Wood members had left branches on the beach and was therefore ‘Fly Tipping’ and asked that a letter be written to them informing them of this.  Roy agreed to formulate said letter and send it out.


 All members are requested to submit any business for 'Any Other Business' at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting to allow time for any required preparatory action.


Next meetings:


AGM                                                    Tuesday          06 October 2015 @ 7.00pm

Community Council Meeting                Tuesday          06 October 2015 @ 7.30pm


All community council meetings are open to the public.







Present:          Val Kennedy (Convener), Roy Harrison (Secretary), Marian Norris (Vice Convener), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Eileen Connell, Dennis Gower. Bill Williamson, Neil Robinson

Present:          Councillor Bruce Marshall, David Robertson (Forestry Commission), David McKenzie (National Park), PC McKay, David McDowall, Sandra Tweddle, Adina Robinson, Mary Dodds, Geoff Carr

Apologies        Aidan Docherty (Actual Reality)

Declaration of Interest:                     Nil

The Convener asked if the minute was a true and accurate record of the meeting held April 2015.

Proposed:       Marian Norris             Seconded:       Eileen Connell                       Minute accepted.

Matters arising;

Bill Williamson stated that he had been in contact with A & B council concerning the official complaint and that he was dissatisfied with the way the convener had handled the complaint saying that she was partial and wished this to be minuted.

The tree at soldiers rock is still a concern, Convener to contact BT, David Robinson explained that the FCS are continually contacting BT and getting frustrated with their lack of response, Police Scotland are also raising concern regarding road safety.

Treasurers Report:     Malcolm Bartley reported the following

 Expenditure:   Nil

 Income:           Nil

Bank Balance  June 2015                                                       £1968.55

Malcolm requested an informal meeting with CC regarding expenses a date will be set. This was agreed.

Secretary Report:       Roy reported on the following;

Details received regarding notification of the SIFT meeting to be held at Kilmun hall 22 June 19.30.

Roy informed the CC that he had received an invite to the Queens Garden party on 01 July 2015.

Police Report:                         PC McKay reported on the following:

9 Incidents where reported none of which were crime related.  A new Chief Inspector Paul Robertson has taken up post.

Bill Williamson raised the concern of graffiti to an election poster with racist motives attached to the Village notice board and asked for advice; PC McKay informed him that if people felt they had been offended police Scotland would investigate further. The convener pointed out that the notice board was for Community Council business and that no political literature should have been placed on the notice board in the first place, Bill Williamson said that this was a ‘shameful’ comment, and asked for this to be added to the minutes.

The Convener mention the ‘Clyde off Site emergency plan’ the plan had been concluded and disseminated.  A & B council refer communities to see their web site for details, a link to the web site would be displayed on the notice board.

Councillor’s Report:   Councillor Bruce Marshall reported on the following:

Concern over the sightlines at Gairletter corner. The owner is content for the tress back as necessary.

A&B council have set up a new web site with information regarding the Social Partnership plan.  Health and Social Care integration has been put back until April 2016

National Park Report:                        David McKenzie reported on the following:

The ‘Your Park’ proposals regarding proposed bye-laws and camping management zones has been sent to the Scottish Government for approval on 21 June; we don’t know if and when they will be approved by the Minister. Live Park was approved on the 27 April and is now in consultation prior to Government approval.  Community action plan 1st draft completed any comments to be forwarded as required.

Forestry Commission Report:            David Robertson reported on the following;

The nursery field fencing has commenced, there is no official right of way, however CC can apply for Right of Way if required, and the field will go out for lease to be used for grazing.  Looking at connecting the field to the mains water supply, to supply water for cattle and also to connect the toilets and offering the services to establishments along the proposed route. Rhododendron spraying is to recommence from Ardentinny towards Blairmore. Local residents have been informed by the FC. 

Roy asked who had responsibility regarding the dustbins on the beach as they get filled very quickly when campers use the beach, FCS have a contract to get them emptied.  FC to look into the situation.

Actual Reality Report:                        Not available

Caucus Meeting:        Marian Norris reported on the following:

Meeting to liaise with A & B council regarding the consistency of toilet provision in villages within the local area, parking issues and Knotweed concerns. Also the lack of sport pitches in the area. 

Knotweed Spraying:   Geoff Carr reported on the following: He intends to conduct spraying in July, in 3 localities and that advisory notices will be posted in the area prior to spraying, indicating what chemical are to be used.  Bill Williamson questioned the spraying and mentioned he had heard a rumour that National park were to take on the responsibility, this was denied. He also questioned the spraying of private land. He was informed that the policy of Countryside trust and National park is to eradicate Knotweed whether on public or private land.  Bill Williamson questioned the monies spent on training and the way the convener acted.  The convener asked if CC members agreed with Bill Williamson's question?  The majority did not agree stating they were satisfied with how the process was carried out.

Rural watch;  It was decided after a vote of 6 for, 1 against and 1 abstention that the CC would purchase ‘Rural Watch’ notices at a cost of £40.95 to be placed on the perimeters of the village, PC McKay would source the notices.

Update from Village Hall       Eileen Connell reported on the following:

AGM was held the other week, there has been some major expense such as Hall insurance, purchase of 2 new cookers however money is tight.  No one from the community volunteered to form a new committee so a  management group was formed with the task of maintaining the upkeep of the hall, the Constitution had been updated to accommodate this.  In the long term the possibility of refurbing the hall is high on the agenda.

Bill Williamson asked what was the difference between a hall Committee and management  group? He was informed that the role of the group was to deal with the upkeep of the hall, ensure bills were paid and, will support the community to organise functions.  OSCR had been consulted and was content with the new procedure, provided the Constitution had been adjusted accordingly.

Dennis Gower asked if minutes of AGM will be circulated. He was informed that a flyer was to be circulated.

Update from Ardentinny Community Trust Dennis Gower reported on the following:

New PT gardener had now been employed on a contract.  The consultancy firm are interested in supporting the walled garden in the future; work in garden continues preparing for a wedding in July.  Funding and investigation into restoration of wall continues.

Neil Robinson asked for what other projects the CT has ongoing. Dennis informed him there were no other projects being carried out by the trust, due to manpower.

Neil Robinson asked when the next public meeting was to be held and would if it will be advertised.  He was informed that it would be.

Planning:  Nil

AOB:    The Convener asked CC members to consider the possibility of a CC website, she has been approached by an individual who would design one. CC members were asked for their opinions and report back at the next meeting.

All members are requested to submit any business for 'Any Other Business' at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting to allow time for any required preparatory action.

Next meetings:

Community Council Meeting            Tuesday          04 August 2015 @ 7.30pm

All community council meetings are open to the public.
