Minutes 2016
MINUTE OF NEETING HELD 6TH December 2016 in Ardentinny Village Hall
Present; Marian Norris (Convener), Neil Robinson (Vice Convener). Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer. Eileen Connell (Secretary), Val Kennedy, Bill Tierney, David Marshall.
David Robertson, (FSC). Councillor Bruce Marshall.
Others. David McDowall. Mary Dodds.
Apologies; David McKenzie (NP) P.C. Donald McKay
- The convener, Marian Norris opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. She introduced and welcomed the two new community council members Bill Tierney and David Marshall.
- Apologies were noted and there were no Declarations of Interest.
- Police Report
P.C. Donald McKay was unable to attend but sent a report as follows.
There have been 6 incidents since the last meeting but no crime reports. Nothing of note other than Police Scotland and Forestry Commission Scotland are in the early stages of putting off season joint rural patrols in place.
- David Robertson added that he is meeting with Police Scotland tomorrow (Wednesday 7th) to discuss this.
- Minute of last meeting.
- Marian asked if the minute was a true record of the October meeting. All agreed.
Proposed Neil RobinsonSeconded Val Kennedy
- Matters arising from Minute
Roads. There has still no work done to improve the verges at particularly dangerous places from Stronchullin Farm to Ardentinny. Marian will contact the Roads Dept again. Bruce will also contact Roads Dept about the situation.
Notice board. At previous meeting it was agreed that an application would be put in to National Park for renewing the notice board. However the application would not have met the criteria but the needs of the Village Hall met the criteria more closely. All CC members were in agreement that the CC would not put in for this funding.
Kelpie donation. A receipt was received for the CC donation to the recent Kelpie Fund.
Traffic mirror. The mirror was ordered after the last meeting but will not be available until early January. All CC members agreed that we would wait until then rather than look for an alternative.
- Treasurer’s Report
Expenditure Calico (website)
Balance £2177.88
- Correspondence A member of public has asked that all correspondence received by the CC should be made known to the public. All correspondence received by email has been passed on to all CC members and any pertinent emails are brought to the meeting. Emails received since October meeting have been:
- Drop in dates for discussion of changes to the Mental Health services at Lochgilphead.
- Email from Max Barr re the petition to save the residential services at Struan Lodge.
- How to enter the Scottish Civic My Space awards.
- Invitation to the CC to attend a reception at the Scottish Parliament
- Email from Improvement Services in regard to the CC tweet hour on Nov 8th.
- Email from Elaine Booth, Community Engagement Officer to inform that any events over the festive period can be included in the NHS website.
- Email from Dick Walsh re future cuts. This has already been added to AOCB.
- Forestry Commission Report.
David reported that, as there been an attack of Phytophthera Ramorum which particularly affects larch trees. There have been restrictions put in place to try to minimise the spread of this disease. The Forestry Commission ask people accessing the woods to be aware of the restrictions and clean their feet on the hygiene/sanitisation mats when both entering and leaving the affected area. The FC will be carrying out an intensive programme to try to deal with this situation.
There is a possibility that tallest tree in Europe is in Ardentinny. Confirmation is still being sought but the impact of this would be good for the village.
As already spoken about earlier David will be working with Police Scotland to benefit the village.
David informed that he would be taking early retirement from 31st March 2017. Marian identified that the input David has provided to Ardentinny over the years has been exceptional and he will be missed by the CC. Bruce reiterated this.
- National Park Report No report
- Councillor’s Report
Scottish Water will be installing 3 new septic tanks off road at 3 areas in Kilmun. The siting of a septic tank at Strone will be more difficult and is still to be decided. There will be disruption during this work but SW has agreed that their first proposal of closing the road completely has been shelved.
At Area meeting in Rothesay the subject of care homes was discussed. A Bute was compulsorily closed and 15 residents have been transferred to other care homes, some of them had to go across the water due to lack of places in the A&B area. It was acknowledged that the cost of people going into care has increased. This may be a knock on effect of people initially being looked after in their homes then, as their condition deteriorates and their needs become greater they may move to residential care and the cost of their care is much higher.
Roads manager has given on the spending on roads at present. Half of the budget for the roads had been used by end of October. The dry weather has meant that the roads have not caused major problems over the past few months.
Cutting back of scrub has been done but the scrub behind the cut area is still causing difficulties. The walkway at Kilmun is going to be tarred- if the budget allows.
Scottish Government will be announcing their budget available to councils soon.
Police are doing regular checks for drink driving over the Christmas period.
Bachan Burn windfarm. There is going to be a workshop held in Dunoon early in 2017. It is likely that an application will be put in early spring for a 50 meg windfarm.
Malcolm asked Bruce if, as it has been announced that Scottish Government has £500 million to spend on roads, can it be guaranteed that the money will be spent on roads and not used for other things. Bruce will again make representation to A&B to have the road from Stronchullin to Ardentinny to be improved.
Application had been approved a few years ago to build a bio-mass plan at Dalilongart. This is being taken forward by Northern Energy.When it is built there should be 16 full time jobs with the possibility of another 20. As there will be a lot of wasted heat there is the possibility by communities in some way.
- Delegates Report
Caucus. There has been no caucus meeting for 4 months. However, members of CC went to an interesting Area Network meeting at Dunoon Grammar. Marian attended the Community Broadband meeting and gave an update on this. Reception in Ardentinny can be dependent on the individual providers and also how far you are from the box.
Website. Photos of the Co-Hydrover project have been added to the site and Dougie Menzies will put some script to explain each one.
Toilets. He Minute of Agreement has been signed by the CC and A&B Council but we still have not received a copy. The first cheque should have been sent to the Treasurer over the past few days. We wish to buy some cleaning supplies and make the cupboard more user- friendly. Marian asked that a notice is put on the notice board to ask for more volunteers to help with the cleaning etc.
Health & Care Forum. Very few people attended the last meeting. A new convener has been appointed which may move the group forward. It is important to have representation from Ardentinny and other CC’s to ensure that there is a forum where people can take any grievances or opinions.
Planning. All present applications have been approved
Community Action Plan. There have been no changes.
Coulport No reports. Malcolm commented that there has been a change in the lighting at Coulport.
- Community Updates.
Ardentinny Renewables Trust Nothing to report
Ardentinny Village Hall The container mentioned at the last meeting has been sited. All safety regulations and planning rules were adhered to. An application was put in to National Park Moving Forward funding. Although all the criteria was met, such as main priority in the Action Plan etc. The application was not successful. A letter was written to the NP outlining our disappointment and that it was felt that the application was a strong one. This they agreed with but could not reconsider. The Community Partnership has given an assurance that they will help to compile a robust business plan. Ardentinny Village Hall is being approached more often by the other groups on the shore to work together. The hall management will be supplying and serving the soups at the upcoming BVT open day.
Ardentinny Community Trust. No report
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group. Nothing much happening over the winter. Plans being made for tasks for next year. The interpretation boards and leaflets have been a success. The website is being built up with local people willing to share their knowledge to be added to the site.
- A.O.C.B
All CC members were sent the consultation paper in regard to the cuts by A&B. It was acknowledged that the consultation paper in its present form is difficult for the CC to reply with the opinion of the people of Ardentinny as it is more for individual responses. It was agreed that our role is to inform people about the consultation to enable them to put forward their own opinions. The consultation can be accessed on the A&B website.
- Date of next meeting. Tuesday 7th February. Marian closed the meeting.
Minute of the meeting held 4th October 2016
Present Marian Norris, Val Kennedy, Malcolm Bartley, Neil Robinson,Eileen Connell.
Representatives Councillor Bruce Marshall, David McKenzie (N.P.), David Robertson (F.C.S.), P.C. Donald McKay.
Others Mary Dodds
Apology Aidan Doherty, Clare Florence.
- Marian Norris opened the meeting and welcomed all for coming. She asked if there were any additional items for AOCB. None
- Declaration of Interest. None
- Police Report.
P.C. McKay reported that there had been 10 incidents with 3 resulting in crime reports.
- Damage to the FC toilets at Shepherds Point. The young people involved have been dealt with appropriately.
- Charges of breach of the peace and assault brought against resident of the caravan park in a domestic dispute.
Joint working between Police Scotland and FCS continues with Operation Ironworks patrols taking place.
- Minute of August meeting.
Proposed Neil Robinson Seconded Val Kennedy.
- Matters arising from minutes.
- Boundaries Commission have decided that the boundaries will not be changed.
- Sightlines cleared within a fortnight of the last meeting. A letter was sent to the Observer to commend them on the speed and professionalism of the work. As yet the verges and ditches have not been done. Marian has sent an email to ask when this work will be carried out but, as yet there has been no word.
- Scottish Water. The Kilmun CC meeting was attended by Marian and Eileen to clarify the position of the proposed work to be carried out by Scottish Water in putting in septic tanks at 4 places in Kilmun and Strone to decrease the amount of raw sewage being washed into the loch. This project could have impacted in the bus service to Ardentinny. It has since been stated that A&B have since refused permission for the septic tanks to be located under the roads. This may mean that the project will be abandoned. David informed that previous investigation several years ago there was the suggestion that a series of pumping stations be installed along the foreshore. He will be attending a meeting when this subject will be raised and will feedback to the CC.
- S.I.F.T The Scottish Government have knocked back the proposal of a regulatory order to protect the seabed around our local coast. Bruce advised that, at a S.I.F.T board meeting the members were dispirited but will continue to try to keep this subject to the fore. Public opinion may be the best way forward. It may be beneficial for more people to join the S.I.F.T. and CC members should consider other interested parties in the village who may wish to join.
- Subscription to Argyll Countryside Trust. Malcolm has not yet sent the subscription to ACT. (See Treasurers Report)
- Soldiers Rock. Thanks to go to the team of men who worked on Soldier’s Rock. They carried out the work professionally and politely.
- Treasurers Report
Expenditure Donation to Kelpie Fund £ 50.00
Income Admin Grant £ 450.30
Balance £2,195.98
There has still not been a receipt received from the money sent for the Kelpies. Eileen will chase this up.
Malcolm has compiled a letter to the APRS to inform them that we will no longer be subscribing to them. All agreed that the letter should be sent.
It was agreed that Malcolm will wait until the next financial year before sending our first subscription to A.C.T.
- Correspondence. All emails received have been sent out to all CC members. Nothing outstanding.
- Forestry Commission Report
- David reiterated that Operation Ironworks is a positive initiative. David will be speaking to the Police Inspector in Dunoon to begin to formalise the arrangements for next year.
- An action point from last meeting was to clarify to Councillor Marshall whether the rhododendrons which were cut last year will be sprayed. This was confirmed to be the case to Councillor Marshall.
- No further update in regard to the planning application put in by walled garden. This is for vehicle access into the garden. There is a septic pipe going through the route. This has been identified to the walled garden group by FCS.
- Engineers have assessed the forestry road at Gairletter but are of the opinion that any gravel which has come across the road is not excessive.
- Parking at the big shed next to the bowling club can cause problems if forestry workers need access especially as vehicles can be parked inside. David would like it passed on via the Community Council that it would be appreciated if people did not park immediately outside the shed.
David was informed that there will be a bonfire event at the beach on Guy Fawkes run by the Village Hall group. He kindly offered additional firewood if necessary.
- National Park Report
- Local development plan “Live Park” has been approved. There is nothing within it which affects Ardentinny.
- The “Your Park” project which concerns managed camping sites and new bye laws continues to cause controversy. The amount of work involved is being affected by red tape etc.
- David reported that the planning permission for the container to be set up at the village hall is still in the planning process but should be dealt with very soon. Eileen reported that SEPA had put in an objection but had recently removed their objection. Short time frame to get all pieces of the jigsaw together to get the container sited.
- Councillors Report
- Along with Ardentinny CC Bruce had put in a report in regard to the lack of decent sightlines from Blairmore to Ardentinny. These have now been improved.
- The proposed boundary changes. The many petitions from various areas as well as the support from our M.S.P. was instrumental in getting that stopped.
- Scottish Water proposed work along the shore may no longer go ahead. A&B Council have refused to allow the septic tanks being place on the main road. The reason for this is that the displacement of the concrete and tar could cause continual repairs needed on the road in the future which would be very expensive. The tanks could be placed on the foreshore although this would be more difficult at the Strone site.
- Bruce had received a complaint from a resident regarding the planning application for the access road to the walled garden the Community Council have received no objections.
- Dunoon Community Council held a public meeting with the I.J.B. invited to discuss the decision to close Struan Lodge and Thomson Court. A joint letter will be sent to the I.J.B. from Dick Walsh, and Mike Russell to ask them to reconsider their decision. Discussion regarding the recent meeting and the possible outcomes. It was agreed that the CC will write a letter of support to the appropriate group. Eileen has volunteered to be our representative on the Health & Social Care Forum as matters raised are of great importance to the community.
- The hedges in the village have been cut and Bruce commended how well the job has been carried out.
- Actual Reality
- Aidan was unable to attend but sent a short report. They have had a busy summer with groups involved in art, drama, music workshops, colleges etc. They have done 2 beach cleans since Easter holidays and intend doing another one this month. They have groups booked through until December this year. They may have a sell-off of some equipment before December.
- Eileen reported that she and Sandra Primrose have been asked again to help out with judging some of the groups’ projects in November.
- Delegates Reports
- Caucus No meeting held since the last CC meeting, but we continue to work together with the other community councils on subjects such as the Scottish Water work on the shore, and the campaign to prevent the closure of Struan Lodge and Thomson Court". Marian is going to represent Ardentinny CC in a group which will investigate broadband and why some areas do not have the faster broadband available. Neil reported that he has now signed up to Sky and can now receive 9 Megs which is a great improved.
- Website . Nothing to report
- Amenities Minute of Agreement has been signed by CC members and returned to A&B. We would welcome any volunteers who wish to be included in a rota for regular cleaning of the toilets.
- Planning One application from Ardentinny Community Trust and another regarding the container to be sited at Ardentinny Hall car park. No objections received by CC in regard to either.
- Action Plan No issues arising from this.
- Coulport Val attended a cocktail party at Naval Base. This gave Val an opportunity to network and inform those attending what Ardentinny was about.
- Updates
- Ardentinny Renewables Trust . The Co-Hydrover project is quite well ahead but they are still waiting for the generator to arrive. Once that is in place then the project should be up and running. Neil has contacted Iona for information which will be included in the CC website when it is available. Ross’s s hydro scheme also seems to be well ahead too.
- Ardentinny Village Hall. The next step is raising funds for a business plan. We have been advised to get professional help with this which we have started to do. We have a table at the Harvest Fair to raise some funds.
- Ardentinny Community Trust. No report. Marian will contact them again for the next meeting.
- Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage. Interpretation board is now finished. We also have leaflets which will be available to visitors etc. Also they will be distributed to holiday houses.
- A.O.C.B
- Safety issues driving out the village hall road need to be addressed. Suggestion that we put a mirror up to enable road users to exit onto the main road more safely. Proposal that a suitable mirror is priced and erected. All agreed.
- Bi- elections. Two new members have come forward. Bill Tierney and David Marshall have agreed to become community council members. The last day for nominations is Thursday 6th October.
- Notice board- It is intended that an application for a grant for a new CC notice board is applied for. This would mean that the board would have additional space for all the groups as well as public notices. A letter to be sent to Ardentinny Community Trust to inform them of this. All agreed.
Marian informed that the next meeting will be Tuesday 6th December. The meeting was closed.
Minute of meeting held 2nd August 2016.
Present; Marian Norris, Malcolm Bartley, Eileen Connell, Val Kennedy, Neil Robinson, Claire Florence.
Representatives; David Robertson (F.C.), Bruce Marshall (A&B), David McKenzie (N.P.)
Apology; P.C. Donald McKay.
Others Mary Dodds, David McDowall
- Marian opened the meeting and asked if there was anything for A.O.B. None
- She asked if anyone had a Declaration of Interest. 4 members stated they had an interest in Item 13. After discussion it was agreed that, as there was no financial gain, the 4 members would remain during the discussion of the item.
- Police Report P.C, McKay was unable to attend but had sent a report;
Since the last meeting there had been 5 incidents. One resulting in a crime report of a marine battery from a caravan at Glenfinart Caravan Park.
There had been increased patrols in the area but none in conjunction with the Forestry Commission.
David Robertson stated the reason for this is that there is to be co-ordination between Police Scotland and F.C.
- Minute of May meeting
Proposed Val Kennedy Seconded Claire Florence
- Matters arising from Minute
- Marian reported that letter has been sent to the Boundaries Commission with our disapproval of being included with Bute and the reasons for this. As yet Marian has not had a reply.
- Bruce had looked into the possibility of an additional bin at Shepherd’s Point. This was then passed to the Forestry Commission as they have a contract with A&B for the bin uplift. David Robertson explained that, as there are only few occasions when the beach is particularly busy, rather than pay for an additional bin for the whole year, the FC will manage it with their own resources.
David McKenzie N.P. provided several leaflets, Respect Your Park, which deals with this issue and will be distributed.
- ACT. Malcolm has not had any feedback from Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland and is in agreement that we join Argyll Countryside Trust. All agreed
- Treasurers Report
Expenditure £35.60
Income nil
Bank balance` £1,880.63
- Correspondence Report
All relevant correspondence received by email has been passed to all CC members.
An invitation received from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Review.
- Forestry Commission Report
- At the previous meeting Bruce had asked if there would be follow up spraying work for the rhododendrons which had been cut down. David will speak with Jessie Crowe to clarify this to Bruce.
- There is work being done to remove the rhododendron from behind Kylemore.
- Further ropework required to remove rhododendron at Soldiers Rock. This is expected to be carried out in around a fortnight and may require some traffic management for safety of the operators as well as traffic.
- F.C. are in discussion with the walled garden group who wish to put in a new access track to the garden and are in the process of applying for planning consent. There will also be plans for disabled parking.
- Val had enquired whether the large hut next to bowling club would be considered for sale or lease. David advised that, at present the shed is being used for storage. When there are more storage facilities at Glenbranter and the Ardentinny hut is no longer necessary then it will go up for sale. That is the proposal at present and when the occasion arises the community will be informed to see if they wish to purchase it, lease it etc.
Marian advised that the forestry road coming down from Gairletter Cottage is in a bad state with all the gravel spread across the road making it dangerous.
- National Park Report
- There is work going on the new National Park Partnership Plan. The draft of the plan will be reviewed by the board within the next few weeks.
- Some people of Blairmore have put together a petition to present to Scottish Water on the subject of providing treatment for homes in Blairmore. People within Ardentinny have also signed the position. Davis provided a signing sheet for anyone who wishes to be included.
- David informed that he will be leaving the area so, once he officially resigns, there will be an election for a representative from the area to take on the role.
- Councillors Report
- Bruce had formally received a complaint about the cuts to Dunoon Community Hospital. Bruce has written to support this complaint. The complainant made the point that consultants appear not to have a base in Dunoon and more and more people have to go across the water for consultants’ appointments. Bruce suggested that the considerable money paid to Greater Glasgow NHS by NHS Highland could be better used by providing Cowal with better services and more employment. Most doctors’ surgeries now have services once provided in hospitals. The Argyll & Bute Health Partnership have plans for either a new build or to find new facilities to amalgamate the 2 doctor’s surgeries in Dunoon.
- Bruce had requested an additional bin for Shepherds Point but this was turned down for the reasons stated on matters arising. Concerns were raised about the new system of having the bin uplift change to 3 weekly.
- A list of service cuts has been made available. Although the Ardentinny area has not been majorly affected by this, there are major cuts in grass cutting, removal of rose beds. The main area to be affected is Innellan.
- Most CC’s wrote to protest about the boundary changes. At the last council meeting all councillors signed a petition and a letter was sent by the Leader of the council t Joe Fitzpatrick the MSP with the responsibility for boundaries.
- The partial closures during Scottish Water investigations had a particularly detrimental on Ardentinny. These were exploratory works and the major work will be carried out later which will again cause disruption to the traffic etc. with the possibility of the road being closed completely during this extensive work and would have an effect on emergency services access etc. Bruce is of the opinion that the septic would be better placed on the foreshore however SEPA are against this. A&B is against the road being closed. Marian informed that the communication regarding the bus timetable was not good as there was very little time to inform the residents of the changes. At the next meeting of Kilmun CC there will be representatives from Scottish Water and the company carrying out the work. Marian & Eileen are going to attend this. David McKenzie informed that. At a meeting at Arrochar it was raised that a lot of the sewage which ends up at the head of Loch Long is from untreated sewage which is carried up the loch as well as other items discarded such as cotton buds etc. . Jackie Baillie MSP for Helensburgh has taken this on as a project to look at how this can be dealt with. NP has taken on a lead role in inviting Scottish Water to address this as a major eyesore within the Park. Val raised her concern that the alternative route over the Larach would raise several difficulties.
- Scottish Government has thrown out the Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust recommendation for a regulatory order on the Clyde. It is intended that the Green Party may be willing to back this issue and they may be approached to ask for support this cause. Marian will write in behalf of the CC. All agreed.
- Actual Reality No report
- Sightlines in and around Ardentinny
Marian provided photographs of several areas where the sightlines are obliterated by overgrown scrub and trees as well as verges which have worn away. It is the intention that she will send these to the roads department to inform them of the dangerous areas. Bruce will support us in this and will also contact the roads department. All agreed.
- Storage of items at Ardentinny Village Hall.
The hall management group are in the process of investigating the possibility of either refurbishing and extending the hall or a new build. There will be a need to store all the items for this and we have been donated a large container which would ideal. It is the intention that this can later be used as a community benefit for other groups to hire space for storage. Planning permission is necessary and the hall management group would like the CC to support the planning permission by making the application on their behalf. After discussion it was agreed that the planning permission would be funded by the CC. All agreed.
- Delegates Reports.
Caucus. Marian reported that, at the caucus meeting the list of cuts proposed by the Integrated Joint Board was available. One of the main concerns was the lack of consultation on the cuts. Some of the items have already been decided, with others decided very soon. Another concern was who was actually on the board and the ratio of business peoples in proportion of those with social work or health experience, councillors etc. Willie Lynch is writing a letter on behalf of the caucus asking about items which affect our area, the impact on the community and the effect on health, social services social welfare jobs, families and why some of them have already been decided.
The caucus had also written to Joe Fitzpatrick against the proposed boundary changes.
The caucus will be bringing up these things at the Planning Group meeting to be held Aug 9th Another subject to be brought up is Participatory Budgeting. This is a government scheme which gives more power to community council by giving them money which is to be spent locally. People would then approach the CC to apply for the money. As yet there is no more information.
Website The website has been paid for another year. Nothing further to report.
Amenities Thanks to Bruce getting the outside of the toilets painted. A couple of maintenance issues needing attended. We have asked if there could be something done about the flooding issue at the toilets. We are to get back to the department when the area floods again.
Planning A planning application has been put in from Ardentinny Hotel regarding decking to the rear of the building. Another retrospective application has been put in for a porch at An Carraig. Both of these will be put on the board.
Community Action Plan Marian reported that good progress is being made on many areas of the plan (see recent report), although there has been little action as regards the targets for seniors, working people and the young.
Coulport Nothing to report. Malcolm asked if Val ever is given any information on high security at Coulport. Val replied that there is always high alert at the base and all incidents are recorded.
- Updates
Ardentinny Renewables Trust. Neil reported there was no change.
Ardentinny Hall Management Team As well as the feasibility study there has been a structural survey carried out. There have been collections of hall membership fees. The more members we have the better for future funding applications. Also when it comes to a vote on what the members wish for the hall we have given the whole village the opportunity to become members and they then have a vote on the future of the hall.
Ardentinny Community Trust No report
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group The pots of edible flowers and herbs through the village seem to have been popular. Some people have been helped with their garden and we have thank you letters from them. Coronation wood path has been strimmed. Malcolm offered a suggestion that the group look into getting the inscription on the Lairds Grace renewed. The group will look into this and perhaps get some funding. Contact to be made with Maurice Corry. Thank you to Neil for doing the large wooden signs for Coronation Wood and Nature Trail.
- A.O.B. None
- Date of next meeting. 4th October 2016
Marian thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
Minute of meeting held on 31st May 2016
Committee present; Marian Norris, Eileen Connell, Neil Robinson, Val Kennedy, Malcolm Bartley, Claire Florence.
Representatives Present; Bruce Marshall, Jessie Crowe, PC. Donald McKay
Apologies; David Robertson, David McKenzie, Aidan Doherty.
Others; Sandra Tweddle, Mary Dodds. Adina Robinson, David McDowall
Marian welcomed all to the meeting and asked if anyone had anything for AOB. None
Declaration of Interest. None
Police Report
PC McKay reported that 2 incidents been investigated since the last meeting but no crime reports.
Shepherds Point has been particularly busy recently and there has been a focus on that at present. Funding should be available soon for Operation Ironworks to continue.
The Police Scotland consultation, “Your View Counts”. Everyone has the opportunity to make their views on Police Scotland known by, either going online, collecting a form from police stations or asking someone to print off a copy of the survey. This consultation will be available until March 2017.
Minute of last meeting.
Proposed Neil Robinson Seconded Val Kennedy
Matters arising from minute. None
Treasurers Report
As AGM audited accounts
- Boundaries Commission. Marian informed that they had amended their previous recommendation that Ward 7 would be Cowal and Helensburgh. The new proposal is that the ward would instead be Bute & Cowal.
Bruce Marshall outlined the difficulties this proposal could carry as geographic difficulties would still be there.
Marian suggested that an objection should be put into this proposal. All agreed. Marian will compile a letter with our objection.
- Clyde Marine Planning Partnership. As council representative on marine issues, Bruce gave an outline of the dangers of over-fishing in the surrounding lochs with dredging and trawling being high on the agenda. It was agreed that we would continue to monitor the situation and distribute the newsletter.
Forestry Commission Report
- Jessie Crowe reported that Logan Boyd from Craig Hoyle farm is the new agricultural tenant for the nursery fields.
- Now that the roadside vegetation is growing again it highlights the need for the FC to cut back the overhanging vegetation over the Larach. It is still to be done.
A concern is the amount of litter being left behind by visitors. When it is particularly busy, bags of rubbish are left around the bin area. Bruce offered to ask A&B Council for additional bins in the summer season.
Bruce asked if the follow up spraying programme of eradication of ponticum is complete. Jessie will find out and report back.
National Park Report None
Councillors Report
- Bruce has been approached by Lynn Kerr to request the 30mph speed restriction to be extended from Swedish Houses to Drynain as well as the present 30mph limit to be reduced to 20mph. The CC has not received any letter/email from Lynn. Bruce will ask Lynn to contact the CC if she wishes this brought up at the next meeting.
- There are still difficulties in regard to the bus service extending again to Sligrachan to accommodate a school pupil who requires transport to attend Dunoon Grammar School. As the present buses are longer than previous buses there is not enough turning area. A&B Council will approach FC to ask for a further piece of land to make it possible for the turning circle to be made.
- The footway from Invereck and Sandhaven is finished. As yet there is no definite answer as to whether it will be marked out for cyclists/pedestrians.
- In the Third Sector Grant funds, there is still £5.000 to be disbursed.
- Argyll Countryside Trust (A.C.T.) Bruce outlined some of the different projects the group are involved in. A short discussion about whether Ardentinny CC should subscribe to A.C.T. followed. It was agreed that further investigation would be necessary to ascertain which of the support organisations we subscribe to is of most benefit to us as a CC.
Bruce was asked about the responsibilities of A&B Council for the 2 metres of each side of the carriageway. It was suggested that, if they are responsible for these areas perhaps they should take more steps to keep the verges etc. clear. Bruce agreed that this is a problem but, due to financial restrictions this is not possible at this time.
Actual Reality No report
Delegates Reports
- Caucus Report No caucus meeting held since last CC meeting
- Website Still ongoing
- Green Issues Work started on the Hydro scheme on 16th May. There are still issues with re-writing the constitution for the Hydro Trust. Community Partnership representative has not been in contact with the promises made to assist with paperwork etc.
- Amenities Work required to stop swallows nesting in the ladies toilets. Geoff Carr has been approached to find a solution to this. A&B council required for the Minute of Approval (Moa). This will be taken to the next Cowal Area Meeting in early June. Claire asked if it was possible to have the toilets painted. Bruce will approach Amenities Department to enquire.
- Notice board. Last year it was agreed that we needed a more user friendly notice board at the church car park. It was intended that the money for this would be raised through the Soon, Seen, and Successful part of the Community Partnership Grant. However Ardentinny Community Trust was also putting in for the same funding for felling of trees at the walled garden. It was agreed at a meeting between the 2 groups that the CC would step back from putting in a funding bid and allow the Trust to put in theirs. It was agreed that the CC will put in for this grant this year for re-newing the notice board.
- Planning None
- Community Action Plan. A meeting was held with some of the original steering group to see how we have moved forward with the recommendations from the Action Plan. In most areas there continues to be positive progress. Marian has produced a report on this which is available.
- Coulport. Nothing to report at present.
Community Updates
- Ardentinny Village Hall. AGM held on 31st March. The Management Group were voted back on. Options for the future of the hall were discussed. The feasibility study recommended that a new build would be much more efficient. The next step is to have a structural survey, business plan etc but funding has to be sourced.
The vision for the hall is to have a place for the village but also the hall has to be self sufficient and attract people to come and use it and hire it.
- Ardentinny Community Trust. No report.
- Ardentinny Renewable Trust Report given earlier.
- Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage. Interpretation Board. As previously reported, the group were let down by first graphic designer but now back on track and are at the 3rd stage of reviewing and agreeing the interpretation panels. Laird’s Grave is almost completed. Jo Carr has made a great job of scrubbing and painting the railings and planting snowdrops within the walls. On May 1st we had volunteers helping with a beach clean and also NP volunteers working in the Nature Trail digging ditches. Both sets of volunteers got together at lunch in village hall. Our new project of planted tubs is almost ready to go once the plants have developed a bit more.
AOCB Argyll Countryside Trust. Dealt with during Councillors report.
Date of next meeting. Tuesday 2nd August 2016
Minute of meeting held 5th April 2016
Present; Marian Norris, Eileen Connell, Neil Robinson, Malcolm Bartley, Val Kennedy.
Apologies; Aidan Docherty, PC Donald McKay
Others; Bruce Marshall, David Robertson David McKenzie.
Members of public; Mary Dodds, Sandra Tweddle, Vicky Fairley, David McDowall.
As Acting Convener, Marian welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if anyone had a Declaration of Interest in regard to items on the agenda. None
She informed that Dennis Gower had resigned from the CC and acknowledged his support and work for the CC over the past years.
Marian asked if there was anything for AOB. None
Police Report
PC McKay was unable to attend but will send a report which the secretary will send to all CC members.
Minutes of January meeting
Amendments had been forwarded to the secretary and appropriate amendments done.
Proposed Neil Robinson Seconded Malcolm Bartley Minute Adopted
Matters Arising
Bill Williamson had requested copies of emails received from Community Partnership and Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group. The secretary has sent these to him.
Treasurers Report
Expenditure Data Protection Insurance £33.00
Hall rental £108.00
Bank balance on 8th March £1,916.23
Malcolm asked about information he received from A&B regarding funding but will this will be investigated further.
All correspondence received has already been shared with the CC members.
Forestry Commission Report.
- Someone has expressed an interest in leasing the nursery field. At present David has no final details but it is understood that it is likely to be used for sheep grazing.
- The water mains development proposed for the beach area and would be beneficial to the Walled Garden and Bowling Club was put in hold last year due to financial cutbacks and at the moment there is not likely to take place in the short term.
- The FC put on the annual Easter Event and was a successful event although not as many people as last year. Several issues may have been the cause such as other events on and also an error in the reporting/advertising.
Although it was a positive and successful day, it was agreed that more liaison with all involved could make it a more cohesive event in the future.
National Park
David McKenzie gave a comprehensive and informative report
- Live Park is the proposed new Local Development Plan for the National Park. The proposals were approved by the NP Board at their October 2015 meeting and were then sent to Scottish Ministers. On 9 December 2015, a reporter - Mr Dilwyn Thomas, BSc (Hons), MBA, MRTPI - has been appointed to independently examine the remaining unresolved representations regarding the proposals. Information about the examination and summaries of the issues that are being examined (which include summaries of all the unresolved representations made, modifications sought and the National Park Authority’s response to these) can be found at the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) website: www.dpea.scotland.gov.uk . Note that the DPEA Plan reference number is LDP-002-2.
- Your Park is the proposal for new NP camping management zones and bye-laws. On 26 January 2016, the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Dr Aileen McLeod, formally announced her approval of the camping bye-laws. In her letter to the NP Authority, she confirmed that the bye-laws will commence on 1st March 2017 and that they will operate for a reduced season up to 30th September each year. She has asked that the NP Authority produce an annual monitoring report and undertake a review of how the bye-laws are operating after 3 years.
- On 29 February, the NP Authority offered a Community Grant to the Ardentinny Community Trust. The grant is in 2 parts:
- Admin Grant - £473
- Project Grant - £1,000 The Project Grant offer is for costs toward tree surgery and scrub clearance as described in the Community Trust application and is subject to conditions.
Councillors Report
- The condition of the roads continues to give concern. The possibility of some parts of the road from Stronchullin Farm to Sligrachan being resurfaced looks quite unlikely in the present financial climate. Other areas are also deteriorating and making driving more difficult and uncomfortable. Some of the ditches have been cleared but the debris is being left rather than removed. The ditches at Glenfinart Caravan Park need to be cleared. There are small trees growing out the wall between Gairletter and Blairmore Farm. Bruce will ask that these are cut down and sprayed before they begin to damage the walls.
- A request for the bus service to go as far as Sligrachan on particular routes as there is a schoolchild now moved into the farm. West Coast Motors consider the turning area there unsuitable. A&B has done work there to try to solve the problem but the bus company feel more work is necessary. At present the young boy has to make his way to Drynain.
- Area committee meeting held today. The Minute of Approval (MoA) for the Ardentinny toilets was not discussed and it is hoped that this will be agreed at the next meeting. The third Sector Grants were decided today but he could not confirm if the Trust had been awarded any funding.
- At present work is being done on the new footpath/cycleway between Invereck and Sandhaven. When the project is fully completed, there will be a cycle way from Toward to Blairmore. A bus shelter is to be erected a cross from the Cot House Garage.
- There will be major inconvenience for drivers on the A880 due to the installation of 4 septic tanks between Blairmore and Kilmun.
- Dunoon pier is now open to the public.
Delegates Reports
- Caucus. Marion reported that at a recent meeting, it was discussed whether the Caucus meetings should continue and how to encourage other CC’s to attend. Willie Lynch will contact the CC’s to ask their views on the way forward. Future caucus meetings will be planned to ensure relevant items can be taken to the Cowal Planning group. Other items discussed were how the Fairer Scotland Bill and how the CC’s are going to be involved. The sale of Castle Toward and the Regeneration of Dunoon are items which will be taken to the Planning group. The caucus also intend to write to the Transport forum to express our concern that Dunoon-Gourock has not been included in the RET. Bruce advised that this is an issue which should be taken to the Hustings on 26th April.
- Community Action Plan (MN) As yet there has not been a get together with the steering group to consider what progress has been made.
- Community Emergency Plan. (MN) We are now in the process of formulating the data /contacts to be included in the plan.
- Website. (EC) The minutes, agenda etc. have been put on the website. Suggestion that other CC’s are approached to exchange minutes.
- Green Issues. (NR) They have made slight changes to the constitution and looking into becoming SCIO.
- Amenities (EC) as reported, the Minute of Approval was not discussed at the Area Meeting but hopefully will come up at the June meeting. All CC members are in agreement with the Minute of Approval sent out for discussion.
- Planning (VK) Telegraph poles have to be re-sited around the site of the Drynain Hydro scheme as part of the project.
- Coulport (VK) Val reported that she had attended the annual meeting with personnel from Coulport and interested public agencies and regulatory bodies. Opportunity had been given to all CC members to provide questions for the meeting but none were given. She felt it was a very interesting meeting and that the communication between Ardentinny CC and Coulport remains positive. Malcolm asked if there had been any more consideration about the dumping of nuclear waste at Coulport as several years ago this was raised and several meetings held about it. It was agreed that this may be a question which could be asked in the future.
Village updates.
Ardentinny Village Hall
The feasibility study is taking place. We have been awarded 50% of the cost of this from A&B Third Sector funding and have applications in to 2 other organisations for the rest.
There is a group formed to organise the Flower Show. They will be supported by the hall management group to do this.
The Community Payback team were unable to help us with painting the outside of the hall last year as they had too many other commitments but assured us that we will be first on the list of projects this spring.
Ardentinny Community Trust No Report
Ardentinny Renewables Trust Neil had already reported in the delegates reports.
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage Group.
Invited to have a table at the FC Easter Eggstravaganza. This gave people a chance to see all the projects we are involved in at present and for the future.
Some NP volunteers are coming in May to help with some tasks and a beach clean which we hope will also attract some local people to help.
The railings at Laird’s Grave are being painted and snowdrops planted.
The most recent Garden Scheme project was outlined. Funding has been sourced and the machinery, pots, compost have been purchased.
Meeting with graphic designer on 17th April to get the notice board completed.
Coronation Wood has been tidied up and in the evening had an enjoyable bonfire and bbq to get rid of the stuff from the wood,
Neil asked if the 3 representatives present if they could help us source a container to keep the equipment safely.
Election of Convener.
Val nominated Marian as Convener
Proposed Eileen Seconded Val
Neil Robinson was nominated as Vice convener
Proposed Eileen Seconded Malcolm
Marian asked that the next meeting is changed to 31st May 2016. This will include the AGM All agreed.
Ardentinny Community Council
Minute of meeting held 14th January 2016
Present; Roy Harrison (Convener), Marian Norris (Vice convener), Eileen Connell (Secretary), Malcolm Bartley (Treasurer), Dennis Gower, Neil Robinson, Bill Williamson.
Apologies; Val Kennedy, Bruce Marshall, David McKenzie, David Robertson, Donald McKay.
Others present; Sandra Tweddle, Mary Dodds, Vicky Fairley, Aidan Docherty
Roy welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded that the meeting will be recorded for the minute.
He asked if anyone had a Declaration of Interest. None
Police Report. P.C. McKay was unable to attend.
Minute of last meeting.
Roy asked if everyone accepted that the minute was a true reflection of the meeting.
Bill queried whether there was any correlation between there being no date set at the last meeting and the meeting date being brought forward. He was informed that this was not the case.
Bill asked for 2 amendments to be made. This was agreed.
The word “few” is removed.
That his specific comment about being targeted by “dog foulers” is recorded.
Dennis pointed out that the attendance record was not accurate.
Minute of December meeting adopted.
Proposed Marian Norris Seconded Malcolm Bartley
Matters Arising
Notice board. The intention had been that the Community Council would apply for £2,000 for a new notice board or an extension to the existing one.
The proposal for joint application for funding to the Community Partnership by the Community Council and the Ardentinny Community Trust was not viable as there cannot be 2 different projects applying in one application. At a meeting of members of the CC and ACT it was agreed that ACT would go ahead and apply for the £2.000 funding and the CC would apply for Argyll & Bute Third sector funding. It was agreed that the Community Trust would not apply for that funding this year.
Allocated Responsibilities.
Each community councillor had accepted responsibility for reporting on particular issues. Since the meeting Neil had responded that he would report on Green Issues. Bill had been asked to take on the responsibility for reporting on roads, dog fouling and fly tipping and had requested time to think about this. He indicated that he does not wish to take any of these on.
Dennis is now the person responsible for reporting on planning and the National Park Planning department has been informed.
Treasurers Report.
Malcolm reported on this.
The administration grant has been received. £415.30
Expenditure £24.95
Bank balance £2,059.23Correspondence
Eileen reported that all email correspondence which she has received has been passed on to all CC members.
Bill had not received the reply from the Community Partnership regarding his complaint that an attendee at the Gathering had been mistakenly included as a CC member. Eileen read out the received the email and apologised that he had not been included when she had sent the email to others but would rectify that as soon as possible.
He also asked if there had been a reply from the Conservation & Heritage Group. It had been agreed at the last meeting that there was no need to pass this round. Bill asked for a copy of this.
Forestry Commission No report
National Park David McKenzie had emailed his apologies and had nothing to report.
Councillors Report Bruce had been in touch with the roads department and had received an update from Nigel Potts.
Thank you for bringing this enquiry to the attention of Roads Management and Maintenance.
We wish to advise you that officers were already aware of this service requirement and that action is in hand to complete the required works by 31/03/2016. These works are ongoing as part of a larger program of ditching works forCowal
New due date: 31/03/16.
Delegates Reports
Caucus Marian The last caucus meeting was cancelled.
Website Eileen Work continuing to add historical minutes on the site.
Resilience Roy Nothing to report.
Green Issues Neil The Ardentinny Renewables Trust has been informed that they have to put their constitution through the legal process. A meeting will be held to discuss this process and how they are going to fund it, get solicitors involved etc.
Amenities Eileen the issue of the toilets is still ongoing. The legal department has been given the information etc. and we await word when the Minute of Agreement is ready.
Planning Dennis there have been no planning issues which concern the village.
Action Plan Marian the original group will meet in the spring to assess how we are progressing with the action points. It has been noted that there has been progress in a few areas which is positive for the village.
Eileen reported that she had received an email from a member of Colin burgh/Kilconquar Community Council to ask our opinion of whether having an action plan is beneficial to the village.
Coulport Nothing to report.
Update from Ardentinny Village Hall.
A successful Hogmanay Party was held. It raised £200 for Autism Scotland and £190 for the hall.
The Feasibility study will cost around £4.000. A letter has been circulated to all hall members to ask, if necessary, can some of the funds can be used to match fund the feasibility study.
There have been concerns raised that the Burns Supper was cancelled because the hall has no money. It was stressed that this is not the case and that the event did not go ahead because there were not enough volunteers. Some residents are looking at the possibility of getting a group together to arrange the flower show.
Bill offered that he had been informed that the people who were prepared to help with organising the Burns Supper would have to fund the event themselves and they were not prepared to do this. It was explained that that was not the case and that the hall would support the group by providing the initial finance for it to take place as they do with other events.
Dennis raised several questions for the Hall Management Group.
Question; what the present resources are in the hall?
Answer; Roy gave the total.
Question; whether last year’s amended constitution was sent and accepted by OSCR?
Answer; Yes
Question; if the amended constitution has been issued to all hall members?
Answer; No but copies are available and a copy will be put up in the hall.
Question; why there is very little communication from the Hall Management Group to the hall members?
Answer: There have been several meetings including consultations, 2 EGM’s and an AGM to which all residents were invited and attended. Information has been delivered to residents to inform them of all steps taken.
Question; who are the members of the Hall Management Group?
Answer; this information is posted on the notice boards and in the hall.
Question; whether the present Management Group are legitimately authorised to carry out the running of the hall?
Answer; At the AGM it was agreed and members elected on.
Ardentinny Community Trust
Not a lot of activity at present. The part time gardener is still working.
An application has been made for funding to the National Park. An application for funding to the council is being prepared.
Ardentinny Renewables Trust
See report above.
Ardentinny Conservation & Heritage
Compiling a plan of work to be carried out in various projects the group are involved in. The work will begin in the spring when we may have help from National Park volunteers. Marian is liaising with locals schools. It is intended that one of the tasks will be a beach clean which hopefully will attract volunteers from the village as well
We had been let down by the designer for the information board but have managed to get someone who will take this on. This should be completed by spring.
Bill asked if the group had public liability for Coronation Wood. His concern was, if a tree fell on his car, who would be liable? Coronation Wood is privately owned and in that instance the owner would possibly be liable. The group will consider the need for public liability insurance for some of their other projects.
Actual Reality
This year is going to be a busy time for Actual Reality with a lot of groups using the facility over the next few months. There is also the possibility that there will be the chance for village residents and the wider area to access some of the facilities. These will be advertised. There seems to be a good relationship with residents and they are willing to help out with small tasks if possible. They will continue to help out with beach cleans with groups that are involved in the John Muir Award scheme,
They are in preliminary discussions with the National Park about signage to promote what people can do in the Park. Other activity centres will also be involved in this discussion so that all the signage is similar and in keeping with the area.
Aidan was informed that Geoff Carr will take over the regular checking of the defibrillator. There needs to be pads for children to be sourced.
Community Council Survey.
The results of this survey have been distributed. It was agreed that there was no need to give a response to this.
Meeting date change
Dennis requested a reason why the meeting date had been changed. Roy informed that, as he is leaving the area before the February meeting, he did not wish to leave the CC without informing the members and standing down in the proper way.
Bill had contacted Melissa Stewart to ask if this is within the procedures but had received no response.
The convener and secretary had been in contact with Melissa Stewart and outlined the reasons and reasoning for the change of date. She agreed that we had done everything properly in the circumstances.
Bill and Dennis expressed their dissatisfaction that the meeting had been changed or the reason for the change and that giving 3 weeks’ notice of the change of date was unacceptable.
Neil stated that the convener’s decision to rearrange the meeting and deal with his resignation rather than leave the group in the lurch was more professional. Bill stated that it was a fact that there is no such thing as a professional community councillor. This was not the opinion of the majority of the other councillors.
Questions from the floor.
Vicky asked what was the registered number of the ACT? Neil replied that it was not a registered charity.
Vicky asked why it was necessary to involve the legal department of A&B council to enable the Ardentinny toilets to be cleaned etc by local volunteers. Eileen informed that this was necessary to cover health & safety, risk assessment procedures etc.
Vicky stated that, in response to Marian’s statement during her report on the Nature Trail that the FC’s insurance would cover liability she (Vicky) was of the impression that FC didn’t have insurance. Marian replied that it was a pre-condition the FC would cover any liability.
Vicky asked, now that Roy is standing down what would happen next. Marian stated she is willing to take over as vice convener at present. It was decided that we would leave any further decisions and appointing a convener until the next meeting.
Next meeting 5th April 2016
Dennis asked that the CC members remained as he wished to discuss a point from an email he had received and did not wish it discussed in the public meeting.
Marian closed the public meeting.
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