Latest News
February 2025
Ardentinny Emergency Team Village Survey
In the aftermath of Storm Eowyn this will be delivered to you.
Please complete and return to the village hall post box or 11Ardenfield
To help the team improve their help to the residents.
Faster Broadband R100 Evaluation

The meeting agenda
The Management Team are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting for all Hall Members on Tuesday 9th July at 7.00pm in the Ardentinny Village Hall. There are a number of important issues that Members need to be aware of and to vote on – some involve major planned physical changes to the hall but the most important and immediate is that the Trustees want to change the status of the hall charity from an Unincorporated Association to an Incorporated Organisation. This will involve forming a new charity and closing the old one – a decision that can only be made by the Members. It is therefore important to state that while the hall is open and available to all local residents this decision can only be made by current paid up Members. We will be writing individually to all current hall Members in the next few days to explain in more detail what is involved and the reasons for the changes. Please put this important EGM date in your diary.
June 2024
Minutes from the meeting
Agendas for the AGM and next public meeting 7pm at the village hall on 11th June 2024
May 2024
Emergency plan update
16-17th December 2023
Weather alert

The National Park
The National Park are links to the newly published Final National Park Partnership Plan for 2024-2029 that they are recommending to the governemnt. This Plan will set the strategic direction for the work of the National Park Authority and the many other named partners within the Plan from 2024-2029. Could be interest to some of the residents.
Today, we have published what we are recommending as the Final National Park Partnership Plan for 2024-2029. This Plan will set the strategic direction for the work the National Park Authority and the many other named partners within the Plan from 2024-2029.
The Plan sets an ambitious vision for what Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park will be like by 2045:
By 2045… the National Park is a thriving place that is nature positive and carbon negative .

The Plan expands on what we mean by these terms:
Here is the link
Help imagine the future of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park